Entire server worth of Characters gone!

There were no realm mergers.

Realms were connected, but not merged. Those are two very different things.

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Sorry OP but what you are experiencing is likely…

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People use the terms interchangeably, just like banned/silenced/suspended is all the same.

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On the launcher, above the play button under accounts, make sure you are logged into the correct wow licence.


I had this happen to me yesterday. It was wierd.

Do you have a second account? I accidentally logged into my second account one day after I restarted my computer. Saw there was like five characters and none were the ones I remembered. Looked at the launcher and saw it was on the wrong account.

have you tried using the character undelete to see if they are there?

Also try writing a Bug Ticket. I had some issues earlier and waited forever for customer service to respond to my standard ticket so I wrote a Bug Ticket and strangely they responded to my issue way quicker than the standard ticket response. Issue was fixed by Bug people :smiley:

Same issue…TWO realms…no cust svc contact either…Bronzebeard/Shandris

The launcher will change to the “starter account” they gave to all of us forever ago. It seems to do this for no reason.

Change it back to your main account, all your stuff is still there.

Our plan is working…Alliance will rule the world!

have no option to change accts

Are your characters on the server khadgar? Blizzard is currently trying to fix the problems caused by the server merges. And this was necro’d. Move along