Ensembles in WoW remix are a mess.Things arent getting collected/wrong items. Yet you care more about farmers

Correct me if im wrong? But is this event not for collectors? Why are all the “bug fixes” and time spent fixing this event, targetted at “power farmers” over what actually matters?

The way the ensemble work and what item they contain is very messy

A few examples:

The T14 LFR Warlock “Sha Skin Regalia”

Out of remix, it’s not possible to get the appearance of the shoulders if you are not a lock, the only source for the appearance in the LFR color is the LFR lock tier, so you can’t have a lookalike of the T14 LFR Lock set on a mage or a priest that is the correct color. The same with the chest, Sha-Skin vestments. Non warlocks were able to get a non 3d asseted ugly version in retail. But not the actual warlock tier chest.

So you might want to buy the Ensemble for the The T14 LFR Warlock, even though you might already have it on a warlock, because you want to be able to use it on a mage or a priest

But you can’t, because the game consider you already have all the appearances of the set, not accounting for the fact that the shoulder is lock only

So if you buy the Ensemble and try to use it it will tell you you already know all the appearances from that ensemble (it’s a mistake prevention feature that does not allow you to use an Ensemble if the game thinks you won’t get anything from it)

At the same time, even if you are a lock with the full T14 LFR, turns out that, you actually don’t have all the appearance of the remix ensemble, because most remix ensembles are actually doing something that is pretty cool: they are adding a shirt version of the dress when the set has a dress, to allow you to equip the set as a shirt/pants combo and not a dress if you prefer

But you can’t get the shirt since it’s only source if from the ensemble, and you can’t get the ensemble cause the game see you already have all the normal appearances of that basic 8 piece set (all T14 LFR Warlock appearance, on a warlock)

Things like that appear all over the place, in almost every set

Some other things that are quite weird

Some ensembles have items in them, in addition to the items that are normally part of the set, that have nothing to do with the ensemble, for example the warrior ToT ensemble has the plate crown of leishen for some reason

It’s not that it’s a bad thing but it makes it super hard to know what you want or not, you might see a set and think “I already have this one” but actually the ensemble includes a new appearance for an item you don’t have. And it’s not like you will spot that by just trying each ensemble, because let’s say the new item that you might want is a helm, the ensemble will also have the normal set helm, and when trying on an ensemble, it seems completly random what item they will put together on your character in the outfit window, it might be the unrelated helm, but it might be the normal one, if you get the normal one you will never know there’s a bonus one unrelated to the set unless you check every single items that is part of the ensemble, and most of the ensemble have like 4-5 entries in each slots, 95% of them being the exact same model just from various actual items.

And obviously you can’t trust the message that says that this ensemble will unlock X new appearance for your class and Y for other classes, cause again, the game consider class locked appearances as class shared appearances and all items in an ensemble seem to not be accounted for in that message (examples with the lock t14 lfr set from the start)

In the Priest T14 LFR, you have a helmet that has nothing to do with the normal Priest T14 LFR helm (it’s horns instead of the normal pope hat), this incorrect helm is even the icon of the ensemble. The correct hat is also in the ensemble but the default one is this horned helm. This horned helm has it’s full set going with it as a bonus in the Priest T14 LFR set, nothing to do with the normal set, and there is all parts of that set expect the chest, and the chest for that new set going with the horns is, get this, in the T14 lock LFR set, completly alone, a random red dress in an ensemble with only dark blue items

The list is absolutly not exhaustive, it’s what I spotted just from looking for 20 minutes, it seems very very messy. Feels like this was really not QAd

Also there’s 2 color versions of the warrior t14 heroic set, only ensemble that creates a brand new color variant of all classes all tiers, not that’s it’s bad to add stuff, but it’s weird, why add only 1?

Maybe fix what actually matters in this event, and stop spending time nerfing people’s powers when it doesnt even matter in like 2 months.


Congratulations bro, you’ve finished your 200 words essay before tomorrow and you can go back to play wow.

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just copied it from a reddit post, where people are actually talking about it, instead of here where people who supposedly can “fix” it arent. And we totally need another frog farmer thread. Are people actually doing the event? or just crying about farmers? Insane to me.


Post it on twitter, devs don’t look at here often, but they will do and even reply on twitter.
Weird, isn’t it.

one of the biggest wowtwt people did, Ellie. Like 4 days ago. And still nothing, yet multiple farm nerfs over the past couple days. Priority for this event seems off. I think thats weird.

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Cause they released it at a crap time with their other events. Dragonflight S4 and Cata Classic release. Blizz can’t manage one game let alone multiple versions.


It seems they have time, but its not for the correct things. They should be prioritizing what this event is for. I could care less what happens to farmers. This event is for collecting. This bug has been talked about for days now, but the community cares more about farmers getting punished. Starting to think the people saying “Farmers ruined the event im just trying to get my mogs” Arent actually doing that, and are just mad they missed out on the farm.


It’s for people who want to struggle through a horrendous slog of a grind for minimal reward.


It’s for people to level alts for Warthin.

thats 100% fair. But my point still stands. As a someone who wants to collect, nothing blizzard has hotfixed the last week of this event has been about that… Theyve said gear from remix doesnt carry over. So bronze upgrades wont matter there. Which leaves bronze being mainly for collecting. With an ensemble bug thats lasted for almost a week. With multiple days targetted at farm nerfs. Not fixing the actual ensembles not rewarding full sets or not even the correct sets. Which is why i ask, is this event for collectors? Or should i just not even try?


I would collect bronze but don’t buy anything for awhile. At the very least, I’m buying those mounts cause my RNG on normal retail has been garbage.

This x1000.
It’s a mess across the board. As much as I’ve enjoyed my time in the classic re-releases, for the overall health of the game I think it would have been better to just stick to the main game and tell anyone with a problem to either deal with it or find a private server.

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This is pretty compelling.

I only got one set, the “Battlegear of the Lightning Emperor”

It seems to all be there, I didn’t notice any bonus stuff, but I was surprised to see the set didn’t appear in my set library. I had to do a search for lightning and put it together myself.

can go around and just simply preview some sets and see stuff is wrong. Even icons are wrong. Its kinda crazy it made it to live. It gets even weirder if you collected a set on live servers on a certain class, and want to collect the same tier appearance for all classes of that type Like MoP remix advertised. And just cant. Sha-Skin Regalia LFR version is an example and the one im most pressed about.

Same problem happening to me, lots of sets have items I need, but when I try to learn them it won’t let me and says I already know it.

It would be nice if I could re-use the ensemble, even if they think I already know it, and have it re-add everything to my collection just to be sure.

obscene amount of collectibles begs to differ.

this event IS for collectors. its also for people leveling alts. more then one thing can be true at the same time, and OP has a point - its tiresome seeing actual genuine bugs getting ignored in favor of seems like pleasing people who cannot be pleased anyway, but taking stuff away from others instead of giving more stuff to more people.


same. I was planning on prioritizing mounts ad toys first and outfits after anyways, but I’m definitely holding off on buying any outfits until end of event. just in case.

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I’m frustrated about the theramores fall tabard. Apparently you have to do the scenario at lvl 35 and you get the original theramore tabard. I did it at like lvl 30 not realising there was a reward attached to the achievement of completion of the scenario. I’ve gone back and done it but it doesn’t give you the tabard.

I’ve got to level another character and try to get it at 35, because they claim there isn’t a fix, and I doubt there will be.

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Make sure you take your cloak off so you don’t ding during the scenario.

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Oh…I didn’t even think of that. Thank you :blush:

Edit: I’m hoping they fix jt so if you got the achievement you get the tabard.

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