I don’t have that add-on - so not sure how it’s related but is still happening - Three character’s of mine were set to tha tappearance, last week it disappeared, came back a few days later - today as of Feb 20-2022 it happened again. No renowned explorer or individual pieces, also no Murloc backpacks, no Wooly pajamas and no store headgear either - so it has to be something with the storebought items as they ALL disappear from the wardrobe.
EDIT: Also - when the appearances return - You have to PAY to put the outfit back on. I had to output 1500+ gold to re-equip the characters that were wearing them before this happened
Apparently still not fixed. I’ve lost the entire renowned attire. I’ve been wearing it for a day or two…
Same thing here. And I looked at what Blizzard is suggesting and it’s ridiculous. They said it may come back & go away again!? WTF?
That is correct. Currently, they have been able to find the bug, but not to implement a fix yet. They are aware of the issue and are still working on it, but this seems to be a weird bug that is taking them quite a bit of time to figure out.
This is what happened to me as well. AFK long enough to log out fully, came back and transmog and collection is gone including individual pieces
Just happened to me again (after about a month of being ok). Fortunately it’s Trial-of-Style week so I didn’t have to pay hundreds of gold to re-mog this time after the appearances randomly returned awhile later. C’mon Blizz, this has been going on almost a year now. Please resolve it!
This keeps happening repeatedly costing hundreds upon hundreds of gold to remog. Apparently the development team over there was a prize from a cracker jack box.
The Sprite Darter set has also disappeared off my transmog list.
I have lost my Wendigo Woolies, Sprite Darter set as well as my Celestial Observer’s Ensemble as well.
Also got this, affected every skin that isn’t acquirable in game (murlock backpack, explorer’s set, sprite set, etc).
Wanted to confirm that this is happening, yet again.
Still happening. I did RAF to myself just to get that outfit. Seems like Blizzard took my money quick enough but now could care less when it does not work.
It’s frustrating that this issue is STILL ongoing. The problem was originally reported back in mid 2021 and it appears to be fixed, then it becomes broken again. I’m in the same boat as you Celindas. I RAF’d myself (at considerable cost) to get these transmogs because they just look so good - and yet, I’m still unable to access them on my account. By my calculation, I’ve spent $198 in subscription fees on 4 separate accounts to be able to access these in game items. This isn’t good enough Blizzard. Please have someone address this issue permanently as soon as is feasibly possible.
And they are. They have acknowledged the bug, and have been trying to come up with a fix for it that will not break the game. Unfortunately, this bug is one of the more difficult ones they have had to work on so far, and there is no ETA on when it will be patched.
Can you please point me in the direction of a blue response that confirms that the bug is difficult to address / resolve? The KB article is very lacking in detail. I would be more sympathetic if I understood what was making the issue difficult to address. As a software dev myself - the phrase ‘no ETA’, just sounds like ‘not a priority’.
Thanks Jetsum, I’ve posted on that thread in response.
In summary - i’ve submitted a ticket to Blizzard CS regarding the issue and it’s unfortunate to see this problem is impacting so many others. It’s a bit hard to swallow the ‘difficult to fix’ reasoning however; when similar systems that control login flow, entitlements and game time (subscription billing) always seem to work without fail.
One can’t help but feel that this is on the backburner because it’s only impacting people who have already parted with there money, and not those who are yet to pay. I don’t think it’s unfair to say that 2 years on - this is simply unacceptable.
Delete your ticket since it will just clog up the ticket queue and there is nothing at present that the GM staff can do for you in regards to this. Also, it isn’t impacting everyone. I have not had the issue occur yet and I have all of the store bought or gifted due to 6 month recurring sub transmogs…and even have had this character transmogged into one for several months now.
This is now happening to me every few days (used to be just weeks or months). The ensemble appearance is always available to remog to immediately after it does. But it’s costing thousands of gold in remogging fees (~450g per occurrence). At my wit’s end. Please fix it already!
Affected by this bug now, missing from all of my collections is the renowned explorer’s set, the blizzcon Woolies set and the sprite darter set. Still have the mounts and pets, missing the tabard. Not cool Blizz, not cool.
But I still have the hat tmoged to a headpiece and that hasn’t disappeared on me. So I don’t know whats up with that