Ensemble: Renowned Explorer's Attire Missing

Title. I logged in as normal, but noticed my transmog was stripped. I went back to re-transmog it, but the option for the Renowned Explorer’s Attire was completely out of my set list. I restarted my client and bnet, but it didn’t do anything to fix the problem.

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They’re aware of the bug and working on it:


Thank you.

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I am having the same issue. Submitted a ticket. GM said they themself are having the problem also, and asked me to post here - to bump awareness if nothing else. As they told me (and as I see here) it is an intermittent problem. I can tell you from firsthand experience those are the most difficult of any to troubleshoot in a complex system.


I just encountered this bug about 5 minutes ago myself

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Yup, just to bump this, I just had this occur after achieving Glory of the Legion Hero.

i have had this issue pop us today after the latest reset. 25 Aug 2021 Khazgoroth alliance US. hope it is fixed ASAP

Bugs as always fixed ASAP. There just isn’t a timetable as to when that will be. The article linked above was updated two days ago and is still an active and known issue. It is not fixed, there isn’t any workaround. The appearances may appear and disappear at will and they are working on it. That’s the extent of the information we have at this time.

I just unlocked this outfit on Saturday and today it disappeared from my wardrobe appearances as well.

It hasn’t been fixed yet, or at least there hasn’t been a Blue post announcing that it has been. So it’s still a known issue. It could pop back into your available appearances tomorrow and disappear five minutes later. You still have the ensemble, it just is acting wonky at current.

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Idle speculation or maybe expression of hope: It might be in 9.1.5. Has anyone seen if it works better in PTR?

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Just encountered this issue after 9.1.5 update.

same just randomly lost my tabard

I don’t know if this bit of info helps or not. I set my plate heirloom gear mog to not show. But it reappeared for some reason.

During that time, I was trying to find my explorer mog and noticed the set disappeared. It seems like this has less to do with the mog set / RAF system itself. All pets and mounts still exist And more of the system supporting the mog. It seems to reset.

Here is another twist.

  1. I changed my transmog, vampire mog let’s call it, then exited out of WOW for a few minutes.
    2.I logged back into the account. My character screen shows my character is wearing the renown explorer mog. (same thing with other characters that used the explorer mog)
  2. I log into the character and it’s showing my vampire mog and not the renown explorer mog.
  3. The renowned explorer mog is back as an option now.

Client side issue?

This is happening again - all store-related xmogs (RaF, subscription bonus, etc etc) missing from appearances as well as the murlocs.


There was a WOW Update on Battle.Net yesterday. After the update, after I logged, this is now happening to me.

Ensemble: Renowned Explorer’s Attire is Missing, even individual pieces. My Renowned Explorer Title is also gone.

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The Renowned Explorer’s Attire is gone from my collection.

Want to just add my comment to this mix… mine is also gone today D: i hope this gets added back (?) i see that for you guys its also gone missing…

Mine went missing today. I logged onto a toon and it was wearing it. My character afk’d long enough to be logged out. I could see on the login screen that the character was no longer using the transmog. When I went back into the game the transmog set was not in my collections. (Neither individual pieces or listed as a set). I tried exiting the game and it did not reappear.

I wanted to add my experience with this bug. It seems to be related to the add on Astral keys; two times in the past month I’ve installed, uninstalled, reinstalled, and now updated the add on; The next time I log out or AFK time out, the outfit is gone. It usually comes back within a day or so.