Enough time to censor Trading post items but can't fix HOR

“We accidentally replaced the previous texture with a new one.” I mean, I can see that at least some things happen by accident. But this? Somebody had to go in there and change the image linked, just as with other items you have previously collected that no longer resemble what they looked like when you first got them.

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Yep, same with my bank toons. At least I only bought one color. Gonna have to add a new adage for Daddy Blizz.

“Skin detected, skin covered up!!”


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It has been bare-chested for male and female. Now it’s covered only for female. Sexism at it’s finest. Rather it’s not covered for both male and female, or for non.


nova amazon skin hots buyers:

we’re still waiting for our 5-15$ refund BLIZZARD!

For those who are wondering, Hor stand for Horizon. So this must be something about the Horizon choking Jaina / Sylvanas, what ever that means.

People need to get over themselves Sheesh it is pixel video game.

It was not bare-chested for females because they always had their chesticles covered up by their default bra. It’s going from a bra to something bra-adjacent that makes more sense aesthetically and thematically. Not really censorship and not sexist either. You lot would have a point if Blizzard changed the top to something that covered the entire torso, but it’s a huge stretch to say going from a bra to a cloth binder is puritanical in any way.

I’m sorry for the people who don’t like it, I really am. Blizzard should have given us both versions. But can General try for once not to engage in hyperbole when complaining about something?

This part really is bothering me. The point of transmog is so that people don’t look the same. We are not in an environment were we need to have a cohesive look. The chest covering could have had the same color as the beads at least. If the problem was the bra then give all players better underwear options.


People need to get over themselves when their mp3 files of that song they really like stops working, it’s just sound waves.


YEah probably because now a days they are better ways to find songs then an MP3 file.

The item was bare-chested. Is that so difficult to understand? Should I draw a picture for you to visualise it?
It doesn’t matter whether there’s a bra or not, the chest is still exposed.

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You have a real unhealthy obsession on whether or not females have their chest exxposed.

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Just edit it so the wrap is only visible when the chest mog is off. Heck I’d even go as far to say chest and tabard set to no show, them wrap.

Covering up shirts ruins a lot of the reasons you would even wear this in the first place.

I’m going to lose 2-3 mogs to this change too unfortunately. My monks used the beads with several of the looser fitting shirts. That’ll look silly now.


Let me answer your stupid comment with the following:


That is a good reason to throw and temper tantrum about some pixels in a video game? Seems like a real silly reason to act like a child.


It’s going from one chest cover to a different chest cover, mate, not a completely bare chest to a fully covered one (though I guess how different depends on your race). I’ve never heard of someone referring to a woman wearing a bra as being bare-chested, at least not in a way where people in here should be comparing it to the male version.

You keep insisting that it was changed for “censorship” and “sexism” and that’s a stretch even for modern fruit bowl Blizzard. If Blizzard wanted to censor it for some silly puritanical and sexist reason I would expect more effort than a loose cloth wrap that’s the equivalent of a bra that the character was already wearing before the change.

Complaining that it changed is reasonable and fine. Complaining that it ruins certain mogs because it overlaps shirts is reasonable and fine. Accusing them of changing it for censorship and that it’s somehow a sexist change is wild.


I would pay cash money to trade out these tired underpants. I was buried in these things, let a girl change her drawers once in a while blizz


Mate, you can hide your whole chest armor if you feel like it.
Idk what’s with all these puritan takes I’m seeing about this.
If bras make you uncomfortable, that’s a you problem.
It was a bad decision to add the wrap and remove the stock version. Just have both.
(If it isn’t just a bug, not much in this game isn’t bugged after this pre-patch)

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I said it covers ONLY female chests which is sexist. I never said it was changed FOR sexism nor did I mention censorship or puritanical in any way. Are you mistaking me for someone else?


You probably answered to my comment by mistake because I never said anything about me being uncomfortable with bras, quite the opposite.

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