Enough time to censor Trading post items but can't fix HOR

why wouldn’t it be?

you can’t buy it.
it may come as a bonus, but you can’t buy it.

it’s never a good idea to agree to terms, when you don’t know what you’re agreeing to.

In before body type blah blah blah.

Terms mean nothing in a legal case.

EULAs get thrown out immediately in every trial because they include outrageous things such as “you can’t sue us.”


We own nothing in this game. While the changes are ridiculous to do so long after purchases… there’s nothing illegal about it, as we don’t have ownership of anything. It all belongs to Blizz.

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Looks like I’ll skip the trading post in the future. Why care about stuff they put on there if they change them afterwards.


…Who is the HOR that’s choking out Jaina!?


Its blizzard. the game had lots of functional issues at the time pictures of fruit became must do now.

Garrosh lines rewritten…for a quest 99% of wow never even sees anymore. Most don’t even see OG quests anymore in retail.

and adding male members to the groupies in black citadel.

Caring about the height of the grass in your yard since its been a bit since last mowed down as your house burns down is a blizzard ™.


Is this about the beads? Make it a helmet. Problem solved.

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No! We want it the way it was before. Making it a helmet would make it even worse.


Then I can’t wear a cool hat with it, making it a head piece just makes things way worse.


I thought women were supposed to be bowls of fruit, not bandages. Where’s my Chiquita Banana mog?


Can you link to this?

There’s zero mention of Blademaster / Blademaster’s anything other than a Warrior Talent on the EU forums from what I can pull up by searching.

I mean… that’s fair.

Oooh the bag thing, gotcha!

Thank you for posting a screenshot of this. That’s a bummer. Wonder if it has anything related to the change of the soze of the valarjar sword. Wonder why they’d go back and retro…

Are the the bead “tops” showing the same cloth bandage wrap?

We just got “hide pants,” so this change for modesty’s sake doesn’t track with me. Strange…



why would you care?

it’s free stuff added to a pixel collection.

why has this suddenly become noteworthy after so many years?

Yeah i scour the forum and search transmog and blade and still haven’t found anything. Do you have a link or were you talking about the bag was a bug?

How exactly is it a bug?

“We accidentally created some textures.”


Valarjar sword nerfed, now this.
Why even buy crap from there if they’re just going to mutilate it later.