Enough is ENOUGH!

Oh… oh dear. That’s rather different than uh…

I wish we had downvotes back too, and not just this absurd “YoU’Ve ReAcHed ThE mAxImUm NuMbER oF lIkEs” garbage. It’s our fault as a community for disagreeing with each other, but also our fault for liking each other too much! I don’t know how we can win here :frowning:

It’s a trick! It’ll show you as liking it but only until you refresh the page. It never actually registers the like, it’s literally lying to you to make you think you did it anyway.


I wish I could give y’all my love :heart:




I get stopped a lot. It really pisses me off, too.

I’ve lived through a lot, I really don’t need a machine to tell me whether I like something or not.


What is funny to me? No where does it say anything about limiting the ability to report. You know something that could actually be abused.


If that’s true then that’s just evil.


Yep and I’d like your comment but I CAN’T. I HAVE TO WAIT 10 HOURS.


It is evil. Refresh this page and take another look at the posts you think you liked. It’s a disgusting thing to see on a Blizzard forum of all places. This is something I expect from Twitter.


You should thank Blizzard. They obviously know what you like. And you can’t be trusted to like things properly. They are just looking out for you.


LMAO really? There is a max number of likes you can give? That…thats funny and kinda sad.


Buy the forum like boost off the forum shop. $4.99 for 100 likes.


You get 50 a day. Make 'em count.

Think about it a minute. Unlimited :blue_heart:s are essentially empty and meaningless.

While I have definitely run myself out more than once, and regretted it, it’s made me a little less eager to toss them out casually. I want to put them where they really belong.

Is it a little awkward to get used to? Yes. Does it mean more when you get one, yourself? Yes, much moreso.

Find that silver lining. Honestly, you’ll be happier.

You really need to read the sticky. Because I think out of the box, you get 3 report flags in a day. So they totally do throttle that, so it isn’t abused. Points for shooting your mouth off over something a.) you know nothing about and b.) could have learned if you’d spent 3 minutes checking the stickied “Hey, read these!” posts on the Forums you’re complaining about.


I use likes as a symbol of agreement where a full reply is not necessary, or to respect the opinions of someone who has conducted themselves with decency and civility. Also to give praise to a well written post asking for x feature or y change to the game.

Since I’m here pretty often, I agree with a lot of people, and thus use a lot of likes.
The alternative to giving out a like is rather simple. Shut up and don’t engage with the forum at all, or give a spam reply to show agreement.

If someone posts “I would like these changes to BM hunters! This one skill feels clunky. This x should be changed to y!” why do I need to copy it word for word just to show my support for it because I’ve already communicated with other parts of the community?

It’s stupid. It’s needlessly restrictive. It’s actively punishing frequent forum users, and it’s discouraging interaction. And that interaction is the entire point of this forum.
There is no silver lining.


You’re right. And to think we’re paying for this.

This sucks.

Blizzard, you have to change this stupid control issue over likes.


Here’s a like for everyone!


Yeah, i was surprised when i got the notification about it as i was liking away today, kinda silly we can’t give as much love as we want lol.

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I’ll never understand a generation that measures their self worth in terms of likes in a forum wherein you live under a blanket of internet anonymity.


Keep on loving - and liking ! /moo /clap

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Here you can have one of mine

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I guess I can kind of see where it’s necessary. I know of at least 1 posting clique who spam threads with several frivolous or superfluous posts and like each other’s comments to give the illusion that they’re value-added posters.

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