Enlightened Rep Catch-up

Good morning everyone.

  • Players who tell Tal-Inara that they have been to Zereth Mortis before and have already met Pocopoc will now receive the Enlightened reputation they would miss out on by skipping those quests.
  • Developers’ note: Enlightened reputation is strongly tied to the Zereth Mortis campaign, and we felt it was unfair to have a high hidden cost associated with using the dialogue option that skips the Zereth Mortis introductory quests for players who’ve already completed the introduction on other characters. This change addresses that by making the choice net neutral with regard to Enlightened reputation.

Why are the new characters getting the reputation gain from it, but those of us that have changed mains the second week of the patch not able to go back and talk to Tal-Inara to gain the reputation? Is there a fix going in for this?

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They did this like hours after I skipped it with my shaman. My eyes rolled so far back in to my head that I saw my heels.


I know… I’m literally standing in Oribos in front of Tal-Inara while I type this.

Missing out on the rep was a known thing when you chose to do it, though, so I doubt you’ll get some sort of catch up token.

It really wasn’t a known thing until we decided to do it and realize that we didn’t receive the reputation.

There were articles about it, though. I mean, I haven’t even tried to bring an alt into ZM and was still tangentially aware of the loss or rep/gear because of the skip.

I never once read it in an article about missing the reputation, and the hotfix notes were not clear in stating if it were only alts going forward or if it were retro for other characters.

I’m not gonna lie… even if it was known thing, it’s still bad of Blizzard to design the skip in a way that severely punishes you for not wanting repeat the intro over and over again across multiple alts.

And the fact that they later changed it shows that they agree.

I mean, you also have weeks of rep from world quests those new characters don’t have so…

See above. I changed mains due to the new raid being more friendly for a DK tank rather than my monk tank. I’m sure I’m not the only one who did this either and suffered from it.

So? Your ignorance isn’t Blizzard’s fault.

I don’t care if they give you the rep. I even think you have an argument for why they should. I’m simply pointing out why they probably won’t. It’s a bit like buying something today only for it to go on sale tomorrow. It sucks, but it happens.

It’s actually nothing like that because the entire point of this hotfix is an acknowledgment that they (as in the devs) felt it was an unfair hidden cost that they want to fix that they wanted to make a neutral effect. That sort of acknowledgement kinda involves them (as in the devs) accepting the blame in the situation as well too.

Making the fix retro-active would be entirely within the spirit of that, whereas a customer missing out on a sale is a different matter entirely.

If you’re trying to analogise - If a store somehow acknowledged customers were being charged too much for a product through a mistake made on their end, but also then refused to correct/make whole customers who were affected by such a mistake, they’d probably lose those customers, if not be looking at legal action.


The he** it was.

To be fair, all you need to play is 1 character. I already got Revered on my main (This rogue) and ready to purchase the memory. The few alts I play casually, aka LFR and few low keys, haven’t even done a single chapter in ZM. I just skipped to unlock access to World Boss & Conduit factory w/e its called so I won’t have to fly all the way to their Sanctums. They will get their 2nd lego the same day.

I never expected to receive the reputation but I also didn’t realize how they set things up with that reputation and how little you got from the campaign after that.

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To be fair, if you bought something and the next day it went on sale, most places would just price match it.

And again, like stated up top, I had to change mains, so I am only playing one character. Thanks for the insight? /sarcasm

Its been 3 weeks. Catch up will be introduced in a few months at best!
You will be fine! Trust me. You will be just fine.

Not that big of a deal to hit revered a week or 2 past all hard core grinders. I am sure the people who love you will forgive you.

Make sure you kill a few rares every day for extra 50-100 rep/day. Get a contract and knock out a few WQ’s around SL for another 50-100 rep/day. This will practically equal to 2 extra ZM WQ’s.

If you don’t have anything constructive to say, GTFO. Thanks?

lmao take a chill pill dude. Jesus christ. So toxic.
All I said you will get you 291 just a week or 2 later. You’re getting belt on Tuesday regardless of rep. So you still get the exact same power gain as everyone else with an exception of like 20-25 of secondary stat. And prices will go down too. Calm your barrels.

You’re 7/11 N and 1/11H with barely any keys done. If you, however, were like 5/11M and 3,000+ IO, then yeah, it would make a massive difference for you. It’s essential to be timely if you are a pusher. But this is not the case.

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