Enhancement / Resto Shammy LF raiding guild

I have a good amount of raiding experience with my other toons, mostly with Heroic, but def looking to get into Mythic if possible in the future. Reliable and prepared. Thanks for taking a read and hope to hear from you.

Battlenet: d00bz#11580
Disc: fr3sh414

Hey buddy,

I sent you a request. Hope to chat soon.
We raid Fridays/Saturdays 9pm-12 CST. Currently 9/9H
We also do a ton of M+ outside of raid.

If still looking please check us out, if we fit your interest I would love to have a conversation.

Hey hey!

Our guild, Focus Up, is currently recruiting to fill out our roster going into the new year! If you’re interested, fill out an application with us :slight_smile: