"Enhanced 70 Boost" vs Regular 70 Boost?

TY thats all I wanted to know :stuck_out_tongue:

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The preorder and separate store 70 boosts seemed to do the same thing.

Both gave 424 gear set, 30 slot bags, and original DF reps set to 20 renown as you encounter them ingame.

Oh, and you can’t catalyst the 424 gear.

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That would have been funny if you could “teir it”. You bought the regular 60$ boost?

Yeah the $60, but the 2 pack version of it. No idea if it added gold or resources, wasn’t looking.


But it came with renown and 424? just like the enhanced? Will the “enhanced” boost let you use the gear at the catalyst? Maybe thats what is differant? or did all 3 boost have the exact same 424 set?

I got the war within bonuses for boosting a character, but I cant buy any renown rewards as they all say " Must reach Renown …With a character on this account" I see that my boosted character has renown 20 (or 12 with the Niffen) so why cant i buy things???

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This is more of a CS question TBH.

I just did the enhanced lv70 boost on a hunter. There is NO gold at all, and you are stuck with your old weapon.