Enhance Your Blood Elf or Druid with New Customizations

Thas’alah. It was torn down when Arthas tore through Silvermoon.


Can you count?

Yes the customization combinations have already been counted. I posted them.

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People aren’t realizing the customizations provided really aren’t being asked for.

First - hair colors should just be a slider and shared among all races, it’s beyond ridiculous that’s still not a thing. That’s why touting ‘hair colors, yay! Be excited!’ doesn’t get us excited. At all.

Second - Blood elf fans haven’t been asking for this. We constantly list out what we want, and literally no part of the community has been given something that makes blood elves distinct that make us stand out from void elves (who have void options to fall to). Or, even if it’s shared, good customization that doesn’t come with a monkey paw.

Some of us have been asking for scars and runic tattoos. Some of us have been asking for felblood and San’layn customization (I’d be fallyn into that category). Some of us have been asking for phoenix customization. Some of us have been asking for light customization to contrast to void elves (I would not fall into that category).

None of the above has been given. And before someone argues “Oh but dark rangers” that went to void elves AND night elves too. Two Alliance races, one Horde race.

Even if we should be like ‘well at least you got it’, the bloody eyes are tied to the face and Death knights can’t use it (yet Night warrior eyes from what I’ve been told CAN be used on DK.)

This is why blood elf players won’t shut up. We keep getting excited over some big customization announcement because it was blasted as a big feature for the patch, and what is it? ‘be excited over hair colors which should just be shared with everyone’. Oh right - so should jewelry, it’s nonsense this is touted as a ‘blood elf only’ thing when it should just be transmog.

Thanks blizz. -.-

I swear, even sharing hair styles with void elves would be more exciting, or eyebrow length options (like we got ear length options). Come on.

Blood elf druids, which would have been super exciting for this patch and the way this post was worded confused people. Did we get that?

“No, shut up and be excited about hair color of all things.” Like it wouldn’t be a problem if just a passing ‘oh here’s some more hair colors’ as opposed to ‘Hey! We’re gonna announce it as big like this, be excited’! Then everyone and their mother uses it as an excuse to say ‘oh blood elves are getting too much stop asking for stuff’.


To be fair on this one, and you know I love you Tovi, but the one reference of a worgen wagging his tail was an admitted mistake by Christie Golden on twitter. She says she thought she got all of them but one of them slipped through the cracks, and went on further to say worgen do not have tails.

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Worgen should have tails. Wolves without tails is odd. And it’d just be an option. People who don’t want tails wouldn’t even have to have them.


A story writer giving a tail to a wolf, then changing it, don’t make it lore. One of the devs even said in a Q&A that Worgen are 8 feet tall in Lore yet in game we are 6’ 11". And lets be honest lore is tossed out the door at this point. Wolves with tails just is a natural thing. The best part of what we are asking is for it to be optional so its up to the player to choose if they want a tail or not.

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Nice for blood elf players. Are trolls (both Darkspear and Zandalar) next on the docket? Because trolls need to be next on the docket; just sayin’.

Please add some more high elf options for void elves, such as hairstyles and jewlery.

If blood elves get an option, it makes no sense that void elves shouldn’t; they’re the same model, IIRC. And I say this as someone who considers elves oversaturated.

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As soon as Worgen get tails you can get that.

I wish Blood Elves, Void Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, Mag’har, Nightborne, and etc was Druids for this patch…

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Can someome please answer? Also, are these forms given or earned?

The new generic forms are a good tip to add the druid class to all races, no need to create forms for each race. :raised_hands:

It’s likely you get the Werebear form from the new world boss, since it shares the look

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Thats awesome. Its going to be all druids.

Which is fantastic.
Dont know why some on this forum whine about some things dropping from raids, etc.
For god sake…some things ARE going to be harder to get than other things.
Its nice not having access to every damned thing in the game and maybe having to DO something outside my comfort zone if I want something extra.

This. Four hair colors is not hypeworthy. Especially since belves hardly got anything the first pass, and the jewelry is only for body type 2, and is severely limited as far as color and gem options go.


I’d prefer it if they each get their own options instead of sharing. Even races that use the same model on one faction have their own exclusive options. Nothing but the model is shared between mag’har and regular orcs, lfd and regular draenei, etc. So if races on the same faction aren’t even having options shared, why should belves and velves have to settle for each others options instead of new things made exclusively for them?


I’m fairly sure there are already a lot of option overlaps. IMO: keep some unique ones, but some options should be universal.