Enhance Your Blood Elf or Druid with New Customizations

I kinda hate the new feral forms. Those weird branch things look like a clicker-fungus type thing.

I wish we could get a simple black panther form or something. Just a slick simple black cat form!

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Something like a rockfang minus the spikes and plates (but maybe with a few understated ornaments) would be ideal for my worgen. As for my troll: I’d settle for a version of the Fangs of Ashamane form without the silly armor.

You’re the one who linked a piece of concept art and said that concept art, which was never even in the game, and said that should be a good enough reason. But an actual blizzard employee outright saying “worgen do not have tails” means nothing when she wrote a canon book, for canon events in the game that are actually relevant.

That doesn’t make sense.


Because she’s not a Blizzard employee she is simply a story writer. She is not on the design team. The concept artist was. That’s why the concept art is official and was even put into the book that was shipped with the special edition of Cataclysm. Now go sit down little elf and rejoin the conversation when you have something good to add rather than some comments you can have disproven in a matter of seconds.

Nah I’m just gonna ignore you. You’re kinda rude.


i’m just gonna say it: blizzard, those haircuts you chose for the new belf hair-colour examples? not the best choices.

Oh poor elf baby. The truth too much for you. Lol guess that’s was an easy one for me. It’s ok you have a good one.

Fair enough but I still think the option wouldn’t hurt anything.

To me it’s really weird seeing them without tails.

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I agree, worgen should have a tail option. vulpera tails are evidence it can be done. but dont be pickin on the elves. /side eye


I only pick on the ones who come to the battle of wits unarmed thinking they are going to call me out. Sadly I’ve got over 10 years + of dealing with these people so they are in for a bad time if they think they are going to win.

Is all of this available at the launch of 10.2, or do we have to go out in the world and hunt them down like the Warlock pet skins?

Is it something you’re giving us, or are they unlocked through all sorts of horrible RNG means like the dragonriding customizations?

well you can see why they havent done so yet -

  1. they’d need to be applied retroactively to random sons of arugal from vanilla to current
  2. explanation of some sort for why some have tails and some dont
  3. worgen are alliance. we less played races kinda are second fiddle to humans, nelfs and horde

Some lost them in battle or in the fires of Gilneas.

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  1. That’s really not needed. How many Man’ari Eredar do you see running around now that they are an option? They will add em later for sure but you don’t need new stuff right away.

  2. Simple it’s a curse and we could get blessed by Goldrinn himself. Suddenly the curse is a blessing and due to the connection of the Ancient we get the option of a tail. After all curses are magic and magic can be altered.

  3. Well your sadly not wrong there. The core reason Worgen are in the current state they are now is Blizzard focused so much on the goblin zones they forgot they needed to implement female Worgen we didn’t even get a model till a month before Cataclysm’s release and the model we saw was completely changed into the abomination without warning and our feedback was ignored. For 10 years we suffered a rabid, semi pregnant, street worker, chihuahua that no one liked or wanted to play and rather than fix the issue Blizzard swept it under the rug saying no one was playing the race. No really I wonder why when you put such a terrible model in your AAA title and ignore its players. But after 10 years we finally got the new HD model and oh look suddenly your seeing more people playing Worgen as the old model was no more… that alone should be a big hint to Blizzard but as you said they are alliance they are ok to ignore in the minds of the devs.

i was here back then, but all i remember about worgen was i made one and ran warsong gulch with her. people were very spooked by worgen back then. it was odd, the difference between how horde approached worgen vs other alliance races. i guess too many horde players were erased by sons of arugal lol

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im not sure how my eyes just zero’d in on that thru all that text… but what in gods hell did i read lol

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Rabid = AKA Always Pissed off/snarling, Semi Pregnant = The old model’s posture caused a small bulge in the female Worgen’s stomach, street worker = for some reason female Worgen eyes became the only race in the game where the male eyes and the females didnt match. They bulged out with far too much makeup put on for some reason… it was quiet odd of a look, chihuahua = we went from a somewhat wolf looking race to a race with a turned up nose at the end of the muzzle and no longer looked like a wolf but rather a small yappy dog breed.

In Cata beta Worgen were not given female models till almost a month left to go. The Worgen community was unhappy with Blizzard cause they were promoting the changes to the Goblin leveling zone and we still hadn’t seen a female Worgen model. When they finally showed it to us we got the more wolf like alpha model as it was called and shown hair styles and some fairly nice looking models but then a small group of non Worgen players raged on the forums and said they didn’t look vicious enough so Blizzard scrapped the models with 2 weeks to go before Cata hit live and we got the abomination that we were stuck with for 10 years.

We went from the Top picture to the bottom and were stuck with that trash model.

And before someone gets upset:

Feel free to tell me that some of those pictures are ok for company to release to an AAA title game.

Your “count” is disingenuous. You combined every possible combination not individual areas of customization. But m’kay.

It’s not my count. And it’s not disingenuous. It takes into account all possibilities. Because some races have customizations others do not. Some have more faces, but others have tattoos, scars, etc that other races do not have.

And none of it really matters anyway, because Blizz does not add customizations by who needs them the most.

One race has 15 skin colors the other has 6. One race has 10 faces the other has 7. One race has 25 hair styles the other has 9. One race has 16 hair colors the other race has 7.

Are you for real thinking the race with more than double the customization needs more BEFORE the races with virtually nothing? What a joke.