Enhance Your Blood Elf or Druid with New Customizations

Ok. You want to play semantics. Fine.

Why isn’t it lore?

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No, I want to play syntax, because that’s the argument at hand.

I didn’t write it, why would I know?

So… are there two players named Carrosh?

I didn’t write the lore. Are you having a bad night or something?

I didn’t say you wrote the lore, I asked why isn’t it lore?

You said it wasn’t, I’m asking how do you know that?

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And I said

Which is a fair question. How would I know the motivations of the writing staff?

It’s not.

Because I’ve gone through giant chunks of it first hand with no reference to them. I’ve looked at the overviews of what I haven’t gone through first hand and there’s no reference to them. I’ve challenged posters here to show me where such references are and the only two responses were: look at this concept art (which isn’t final product) and a book uses the verb ‘wagging’ once (which anyone who’s worked with dogs with cropped or amputated tails know aren’t required to wag).

Well, absence of proof isn’t proof in this case.

The books are canon though. So if it has a worgen or worgens “wagging” their tail(s) then that’s proof they have tails in lore. And you trying to downplay that is being dishonest.

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Correct. And nobody can present proof of it existing. We agree.

It doesn’t. It has them wagging. And as I said:

That’s not downplaying anything, it’s a fact. It means that the presupposition that they must have tails because they are wagging is false. Because there’s no reference to a tail.

Like I said in an earlier post, I want someone to show me where in the lore or says worgen have tails. Nobody has done that yet. I invite you to do so.

Don’t know if this is relevant, however should Druids have been like Death Knights, a heroic class available to every race? People are always talking about how “special” Druids are.

I think you’re playing games here because if a worgen is wagging something it’s a safe bet that it’s their tail.

But whatever. Let’s play a different word game. Do you think it’s required for a customization to be lore abiding?

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You’re substituting an assumption for proof. It’s not a game, you’re simply incorrect to do so.

No thank you, I’ve had enough shifting goal posts.

What goal post did I move?

And this question is related to a statement you made.

Why do BE keep getting more customization when other races haven’t gotten anything in a while?

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You know why.

Why can’t dracthyr wear armor while tauren, worgen and draenei are just fine doing it? BECAUSE.

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Hardly. It’s currently accurate and that’s all that matters.

And it’s also currently accurate that they aren’t getting anything until the core races are done. It’s also accurate that male Belves barely have more than races that haven’t even been touched for a customization pass.

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this is the problem:

they are only thoroughly addressing the same 2 core races and then scattering odds and ends to everyone else, with the exception of some alliance allied races, who got nothing at all. this likely because they are targetting races with the highest pop on alliance, thusly dark iron, mechagnomes and ku’tirans who have the lowest pop, are being ignored. not sure about horde though because blood elves are highest pop but some of the lowest amount of cosmetic options have been added to them

Didn’t blood elves also have a holy tree? I’m surprised blood elf druids haven’t come yet :thinking: :cloud_with_rain:

I had the bit about striders.

Like most jests, some truth is there. Striders stand a good chance of being more in tune with nature than the sun well. BE druid lore in my head could start with some striders who just went full bore nature boy/girl.

They are 100’s of km’s from home, in some deep forest. the sunwell ain’t helping them when its days in and they are living off the land. Knowing their plantlife and animals would.

Druidic university would jsut have to teach them balance and guardian as I see it. Once animal transforms learned feral would be picked up fast I’d wager. They can hunt already, now they’d hunt as a big cat. and probably would like that.