Enhance Your Blood Elf or Druid with New Customizations

Do we have to play druid to unlock those?

One in a comic had one and Genn when written by Christie Golden has one (it’s mentioned wagging) in the novels.

You see that’s the neat thing about a magic curse it can be altered. But if you really want to go this route sure I’ll humor you. You said and I quote:

So here is the concept art for Worgen. Heck I’ll even give you two concept art pictures:

Wait what is that? Oh look a tail!

Even more Concept Art and OH LOOKY LOOKY another tail!

And yes Concept art is the original designs of the characters so that is well within the expanse of the lore. Anyone with half a brain cell knows Blizzard got so busy with the rush of the Cataclysm release that they forgot to spend time on female Worgen and were forced to abandon the original model concept and rush job one of the worst abominations of a model in WoW’s history. That model was single handily the core reason for 10 years almost no one was playing Female Worgen as it was a rabid, semi pregnant, 24/7 pissed off goofy looking chihuahua rather than a wolf like character. Worgen were quite literally the only race in the game where the males and females looked nothing like each other. But after 10 long years of the worst model in the game they made up for that with the HD model. However before you chime in and say “but they didn’t add a tail then.” Of course they didn’t the Worgen player base was so low in numbers why would they bother? Everyone hated the old Worgen model, most people currently hate the female Worgen voice. The model it self already had the bones for a tail in it, there is also a perfect spot on the butt where a tail could be attached. End of the day it would be very little effort to add an optional tail and the best part is due to it being optional you could choose if you want it or not.

But anyway there you go Ive proven mine… still waiting for you to prove your claim.


Isn’t lore. Swing and a miss, this is hilarious :rofl:

And there we have the mad one who got proven wrong and has no concept of how to make a comeback. You enjoy that my friend but I’m still waiting for you to prove anything in lore that says Worgen can’t have tails. Concept art is the original designs of the race. Its put together when the lore of the race is done. So ya. Keep telling yourself a lie and maybe one day it will come true till then I’ll be over here laughing at you.

Brother, you might as well have submitted your own personally drawn fanart. WoW lore is officially accepted canon. Scrapped ideas are not. This is so simple yet you’re missing it completely. But sure, that chip on your shoulder is well earned. You beat me. I’m sooooo mad :angry:

You are mad cause you are afraid if Worgen get optional tails it will add more to the game and be a player choice that players might choose to use. Part of this probably comes from you hating furry’s but I got some bad news for you, Tauren, Pandarian, Vulpera, Worgen and all kinds of NPC races in this game are of the furry variety and some have been in the game since the start. Also just a fun little fact if Worgen get an optional tail it will not effect your game play in any way shape or form. You don’t pay for my account so you have no say what so ever in what I would like to request on my characters that I play. As I said before an optional tail would allow the players to choose if they want it or not and if you really want “LORE” explain why Night Elf mages exist? “Lore” said that any Night Elf that used arcane magic was physically changed into a lesser elf, looking at you blood elves. But you know what for the fun of the game they changed it and went back so far as to retcon the lore. For crying out loud how do you explain “LIGHTFORGED” warlocks… Oh ya its a change of the lore in the name of the fun of the game. So your argument of “BUT MUHHHH LORE” holds no weight here. Sorry my friend but as your own lame rip off of a character once said:

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I have no idea what you two are arguing about but worgen should definitely have the option for tails.

More customization is always (mostly?) a good thing.


Exactly Tovi. More options will always be better as it brings more players in due to the fun of customizing your characters the way you would like to see them. And PS. Carrosh before you run in saying Tovi and I are friends… My dude we have butted heads for years on these forums. When we agree with one another its quite the sight to behold.


Yes. As one who takes transmog very seriously and occasionally cosplays characters, I’m very strongly opposed to player choice. In fact, they should start removing any options I dislike, no matter how lore-accurate it is! Take it all away!!a (I hope you can hear the froth slapping off my jowls).

I’m not going to bother reading the rest of your post. You beat me :skull: To quote Sarge, “war’s over. Turns out UR thu big hero!” Clearly you don’t know what to do with the stream of water you’ve been led to. But I really do love the Garrosh gifs, keep em comin.

Ahhhh the sounds of victory. It wasn’t much of a fight going against an unarmed opponent in the battle of wits but hey Ill take a win. You can quite literally with X-mog attach Dragon Wings to any race in the game. But hey don’t worry when they add optional Worgen tails it will be the best part of both worlds as if you want to keep your Worgen with a Monkey butt you can. Hence the “optional” part of the request for tails. We were forced for 10 years to use a model we hated as Worgen players. We are totally for options that would make others happy with the choices they make.

And per your request:

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I can tell you really, really needed this one. You strong, smart, big winner, you. In the future, I recommend directing your cries for help to a professional. Granted, taking it here to GD is rather entertaining.

GGs :slight_smile: Was fun beating a new foe who like all the others couldn’t put up a good fight or prove their claims.

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Indeed. Next time I’ll submit my most recent macaroni art straight off the fridge and it’ll be a fair fight.

No one tell noodle boy he never showed his proof its more fun this way.

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I’m not sure why someone playing a Mag’har whose race now has warlocks would bring lore into a discussion about customizations anyways.

It’s pretty obvious that when it comes to playable races Blizzard does not care anymore.


Yes to the new Druid forms, no to the hot topic blood elves

You really got me there, here I am on a mag’har warlock. Oh wait, I’m not. And I don’t have one. I’m also against red draenei. It’s weird, it’s like I’m consistent or something.

Sometimes? I guess?

I never said you were a warlock. I was pointing out that your chosen race has lore breaking customizations, making your argument “hurr durr tails aren’t lore” worthless.

Blizzard doesn’t care. Pointless for you to care but whatever floats your boat.

p.s. where does it say in lore that they can’t have tails?


I understood what you were saying, and i was pointing out the critical flaw in your point. I don’t care what this race has available to it, I don’t use what breaks lore.

Just because Blizzard has decided to turn specific elements of WoW into Whose Line Is It Anyway doesn’t mean I’m going to support what they’ve butchered, or condone any future butchering.

Quote me saying ‘can’t’ and I’ll be happy to show you.