Enhance Your Blood Elf or Druid with New Customizations

I hate to sound ungrateful but… 4 new hair colors for Blood Elves? That’s it?

I mean, their customization pass to begin with wasn’t exactly the most in-depth. Jewelry for the women, and… kinda it?

Couldn’t have expanded on Dark Ranger/San’layn options a little bit? Maybe something inspired from Venthyr hairstyles at least a little? How about jewelry options in black and red? Runic scars?

Well, maybe they can get some stuff from Void Elves whenever Void Elves get a proper customization pass.


The fact this is likely going to actually be the result is depressing. Blood elves deserve an actual, unique customization pass where over 75% of their options aren’t given to void elves. An actual sin’dorei / Horde-centric customization pass built on the idea of bringing them to the forefront as a unique race, instead of just being known as the race that got so little in the first pass, and then taken out back and mugged for more of their options so void elves could be less-voidy.


Wooo can’t wait to be a craptor!!

:notes: Taste the rainbow! :rainbow: :musical_note:

Blood Elves are now the Skittles Elves of Azeroth! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hail the Skittle’dorei !!!


I like the new hair colors, but I would have also liked to see a bright red. The darker blue is very similar to one we already have. I was also hoping they could give us the option to toggle on /off the tiara, change its color to silver like the other accessories :neutral_face:.

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I picture blood elf druid forms all having long blonde hair.

Blood elves don’t do nature stuff!

In walks the strider. Wassup dudes. Just checking in off a long range patrol in far away forests for 3 months. Jsut need some supplies, a bath, an actual bed for a few days before I go patrol some other woods for 3 months.

yeah…I don’t like nature. I jsut do long range patrols 8 months of the year in forests is all. I know nothing about nature…at all.

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That should’ve been the official name for those, lol

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I mean, it’s really just giving druids a way to reasonably use the Mythic mount for once in their lives, since the unlock is tied to the mount.

That’s all fine and good but when are the neglected races cough Kul’tirans cough going to get some desperately needed customization upgrades?! Come on blizzard :rage:


There is obviously a new hair colour vendor in the game now that sells outrageous hair colours because why otherwise would a Blood Elf want green hair?

Well, I suppose the more races share the glories of Gnome hair colours, the more they will praise Gnomes with their choices.

Hair color. What a enhancement

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Look, I’m all for more customization ok? However, you keep adding to races/classes that already have a lot when you have two races with virtually no customization at all. Is there some reason you think that only a few faces and handful of hair/beards, couple of skin tones, 5-6 hair colors, is good enough for Kul Tiran and Mechagnome while you pile on dozens upon dozens of new options for other races?


and the fire bird form drops from mythic!

Male Belves are near the bottom in customizations and female Belves are mid. Everyone should get more customizations, especially bottom tier races. But this idea that we got a lot is crazy.


Can blood elves rock red eyes while not having to wear the gray skin and vice versa?


Some void customizations would be splended for void elves (wishing for all tentacle hair and vampire fangs).

Please and thank you. :octopus: :woman_vampire:


I’d love this or at least give class related customizations so I can have rage red eyes all the time.

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I too was hoping they’d get that awesome new red humans did, its such a great shade. :dracthyr_cry:


Im refusing to celebrate the cat raptor when it could have and should have been a feral form. This is just another unique model no one will ever see except maybe if you play bgs