Enhance Your Blood Elf or Druid with New Customizations

Still can’t believe they made an amazing cat raptor and then didn’t make it a Feral Form. Guardian gets three forms, travel gets quite a few, Balance are getting a lot of different customization. And Feral only gets one new form. Seems a but lopsided.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m VERY VERY happy we are getting new forms at all. But man, cat raptor Feral would have been so so cool.

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Hey, these are the same people who advertised holiday refreshes and look what we got.

I expect nothing at this point in time from any of these “hype” announcements.


Grind renown

Thank you for these but could we please have some attention paid to races that aren’t blood elves?


Because Blood Elves are the superior horde race. They’re fabulous, you should try being fabulous.


We don’t get things every patch and our pass was underwhelming. Nowhere near Nelves that still got more after.


What’re you talking about every patch? What’d we get other than the main customization pass? A purple eye color that was baked in for all the other thalassian elves? What else?

This is the first time we’re getting something in a long, long time, and it’s kind of amusing coming from a night elf when night elves just got updated HD tattoos and the females got body art tattoos as well in the last patch lol


I’d kill for scars and tattoos. They are likely getting the fire appearances too. Which will be cool, but they got a lot. So it’s crazy that this misconception keeps continuing that we got a lot.

I’m like


Blood Elves don’t need scars. They’re beautiful, their skin rejects scars so they can remain looking like cover models.

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Then explain Lor’themar.


He draws those on every morning when he gets out of bed. Just ask Thalyssra.


LMFAO! The image of that.

Well let me draw on myself, Blizz.


Speaking of drawing… I want make up and eyeliner.


Blizzard please.


Regular Draenei and Lightforged need a lot. I was happy to see Draenei get Eredar but then they cheapened out on that. The have no fel hooves nor horns!

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I want the Runebear but it will probably require AOTC or something like that. Blizzard really wants to push me to buy carries.

I read too fast.
“Blood Elf Druids??! Whaaat?”


missed the “or”

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Just gotta remove the “or” from that sentence somehow.

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What do we want?
World content!

…WHAT DO WE WANT!? :gun: :rage: :snowflake:
:sob: …more blood elf customization!

Not yet, druids will be the final class to be given to all due to unique forms.

For the love of the titans just give Void Elves ALL Blood Elf customizations and vice versa or better yet make Quel’dorei a cross faction race. It’s ridiculous that this hasn’t happened yet along side a racial quest that allows cleansing of all fel/void etc. nonsense and allowing for proper High Elf customization.