Enhance Your Blood Elf or Druid with New Customizations

Because that’s individual stuff where one has more than the other, not overall. And again, doesn’t mean the ones in need will get it the most. They still have not mentioned when allied races are getting their pass, and they even announced a new allied race. It’ll just happen whenever. No matter what the numbers are.

And yet? There was a vocal minority (I say this because Blizzard reps have admitted that the magnitude of the update to that model was partially due to it being overwhelmingly criticized) that absolutely loved that look for some reason and would try to shout you down if you criticized it.

Nice, can I enhance my blood elf druid??? :eyes:

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A very tiny group of people honestly liked the old female Worgen model. The thing was an abomination and never should have been put in the game. The numbers alone prove that, and the numbers after the HD model remake prove it even more.


They were just a vocal minority, but “vocal” is very much the key word. They all seem to have gone silent when Blizzard finally fixed it, though.

well its like velfs. we have one page of customizations because everything we received was in categories we (and everybody else except dks) already had before the customizations started. for example, skincolor, haircolor and eyecolor. but we didnt get necklaces, vines, circlets, hair jewerly, face jewelry, tats, body or face markings, armbands, bracers, etc, we also didnt get new hairstyles. for each new category, the possible combinations go up, nearly exponentially. as a result, even though we got skin and haircolors, we still have fewer possible combinations because we just have the basic set of customizations. this is also a problem for male belfs and belfs in general, as the amount of possible combinations is missing things like tats and markings.

Cause Racism?

Ahh Blizzard. Drop the “or” and you will make Blood Elves outnumber the Vulpera again.


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It says in the official article: choose from when you visit the in-game Barber Shop.

Never happens. You like the blood elves, and the druid forms, which makes the lost of balances. You get all benefits, no one will play other characters, so …

Lmao same, would have been cool though

Oh wow 4 new hair colors. Wow. Scars and Tattoos still too difficult to draw I guess.

the druid forms arent available in the barber shop until you unlock them.

for example, the runebear form glyph is a drop from the world boss.

i only found that out after testing on the PTR, the article doesn’t explain where you actually get the druid forms to unlock…

Gnome druids. When?

With the push to allow players to choose how to gear up in the new expansion, I was really hoping that they wouldn’t have any druid forms locked behind mythic anything. c’mon Blizz!

Moonkins are long overdue to any other form. I love the cat forms from Legion!

Well @jeysca, looks like you got plenty of forms moving forward…including the raptorcat.

No you cant almost all of the new forms are locked

… they have nothing to do with the Mage Tower