Enhance shaman ability cooldowns killed it imo

Hey all.

Going from WOTLK enhance with 6sec interupt to now 15seconds, stormstrike and lava lash cds being longer now, overall spec just feels slow and the damage just isn’t there, idk if there is still the #classicnochanges but cata isn’t really classic now, it would be nice if they at least reduced the cool downs like it was in wrath.

I am still gearing through heroic dungeons so maybe better gear will make it better but atm I am not sure, it just feels so far short of what it should be.



Considering that as enhance you want to sync your mh and oh and that can be really annoying to get going as someone who wants to play casually they are doing less damage than someone syncing weapons do…

Enhance should be on the list along with other specs this expansions for some deserved changes in my opinion…

My thoughts are, our level 85 talent is for the other two specs while we get nothing for enhance. May be the most disappointing thing to me for enhance. As for the PVE rotation, it’s kinda nice to have a breather between CDs. Usually you can LB weave when everything is on CD.

enhance now has 5 sec shear instead of 6 man, you have to spec into it
you also get unleash windfury that makes you blast AAs


To be fair, we don’t spec into reduced shear for PvE. Even with Unleashed, we do have moments where all of our abilities are on CD.

Thats false you should be weaving bolts in even at 2-3 maelstrom. Specially when you got your weps syncd, you should have 0 free gcds. Theres a reason people say its c tier but plenty of good players are blasting s tier dps. Just bad players

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It’s a B tier spec, along with ret and a few others. Just type in : ‘‘Cata PVE dps tier list’’ and search and icy veins has a list rating each spec/class from S tier on down. I don’t even care though, I still play what I want. I play Enhance, ret, boomy etc. Enhance is pretty trash though, but it’s still do-able, meaning the dungeon will be completed you just won’t be setting records like ya would with 3 survival hunters.

You don’t weave at 2. Even if you are weaving at 2, it’s probably such a small dps increase.

I’ve been playing enhance at a high level since TBC. Cata enhance does not feel as good as TBC/Wrath in regards to rotation.

Enhance actually moves down the rankings as you look at higher percentiles

spec into it instead of 3% spell damage and it will be 5 seconds

Ain’t no way anyone is doing S tier DPS as an enhance. Maybe in a single fight you might get lucky and do hella AOE damage but by the time it levels out you’re gonna be way on down the list on recount.

[DPS Rankings / Tier List for Cataclysm Classic - Cataclysm Classic - Icy Veins (icy-veinsDOTcom)](h :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:ttps://www.icy-veins.com/cataclysm-classic/dps-rankings-tier-list-for-cataclysm-classic)

^Replace the word dot with an actual dot, and remove the emojis. This list is pretty accurate.