my friend is learning to play enhance and having trouble figuring it all our. does anyone know a good enhance player that can give some tips? I don’t know of any good enhances that post here remi is hit or miss on if he’s around and other good enhances like khorgan and bigdam don’t rly post so idk who to ask
Enhance seems really easy so you shouldn’t be struggling that badly. A guy who was a forever challenger no rating BG hero got R1 as it last season!
is that the khorgan guy? i was trying to find a way to contact him for help but he seems rly busy
If you’re struggling there’s probably some people who can help you. They’re pretty selfless and do arena with low rated people all the time, like Trill. But you won’t get gladiator, that’s off limits.
i don’t really care for rewards we just play for fun so that’s fine!
we must summon Remi
ok i’ll give it a shot.
in n out double double with a monster rehab
If he doesn’t come from that you may have to pull out the big guns about how ret is a harder class to play than enhance
That seems more likely to summon christtel than remi.
Remi will call me names and explain why my parents being related informs my opinions.
Christel will just agree. But they also can’t see me because they said they blocked me in dragon flight due to the retpocalypse and some of my comments then lol
Remi called me a statistical anomaly
Hey, there is some timer on my post you commented on and it won’t let me respond, so I came here to post it, hope that’s not taboo.
I don’t have aspirations to be a PvP streamer or anything, I just want to be able to win glad mounts sometimes, honestly. I have no preferred brackets, and I definitely like to watch, ask questions, and then try to apply them. So I suppose a combination of your two methods.
Btag is Shiro#1388
Dis name is Kyoretsu#3663, my profile name is Shiro.
If he is playing blitz just tell him to stand in mid and do as much damage as possible so he can trash talk in chat, that should at least get him 4th place this season.
If you couldn’t make ele work enh might be too hard unfortunately.
Oh it’s just for my friend he’s unemployed so plenty of time to practice it’s okay if it’s too hard although people have told me it’s really simple once you figure it out? He’s just looking to play for fun not meaningless rewards or anything
If he’s unemployed tell him to join the military. Guaranteed employment so you don’t have to be likeable but he will have to be a grunt.
That’s not very nice, I know some people that have been in the military for a while their jobs are pretty cool and they get to travel all the time. Do you mean grunt like lower enlisted infantry or something?
I mean if war breaks out they’re the first in line of combat so it’s a bit scary. Anyways, not many people alt enh so if he’s having trouble with ele might be a gg go next with a different alt. Gl to your friend he’s going to need it.
Oh, no that’s not really how it works anymore. Anyway can we bring it back to the topic. Swole, do you know anyone that can give some enhance pointers to my friend? Nothing crazy. Ur right like nobody plays this spec it’s hard to find people good at it to ask
Bigdam usually lurks these forums you can ask him questions when he’s around and will probably answer you. He’s better than Remi cause he didn’t have to sit for his R1 titles. Other than him I’m not so sure there is anyone you could ask.
That’s why I said you’ll have… I mean your friend will have better luck playing something else. There isn’t much available information out there and you’d have to figure it out on your own.