Remi is pretty good though he’s high glad every season and like, atleast he has a title 99.9% of people don’t it’s usually reserved for the best of the best right? Except people that try to cheese it with unpopular specs in inflated brackets
Yeah he’s pretty good. If he’s around his advice will be good enough I think.
Ya he’s the complete opposite of you because you know, you’re awful terrible dogwater
Yeah he’s okay. I figure he’s getting pretty old and doesn’t have many years left in him tho.
He will always be remembered as that guy who was almost good enough to be considered above average.
swole is gud 4 advice buddy ask him remi is gud to bigdam comes here to lots ppl to ask
What will you be remembered as
The guy who stood up to the cabal.
bro thinks hes fighting a revolution
lets see you stand your ground against the cabal at 1900 in 3v3 for 7 consecutive months
he’s the only thing keeping the cabal elite set boosters at bay
I think Swole saw that meme cabal twitter video and thought “nice there’s my excuse”
Khorgan: threes company 1750. A hired gun of the cabal
No one plays 3s anymore Mr. Sitful gladiator.
And you guys are the reason why. So when you’re wondering why 3s is dead remember to blame yourselves.
Kind of true a lot of the people that tried and tried but couldn’t cut it have found their safe haven in brackets where you have less agency and more inflation .
Cabal has less influence in those brackets outside of the R1 titles, so yes that’s true.
In 3s the cabal can snipe your team with a counter or infiltrate your LFG to throw on your team and put you on tilt.
A wild cope that a trained psychiatrist would be surprised by
Who are the members of this cabal that have the resources to snipe your lfg group at 1900?
Is it the same people you paid to pilot you in shadowlands?
You wouldn’t know the first thing about psychology grunt.
If you were educated you’d be an officer.
Answer me this. Are you enlisted or commissioned?
I rest my case grunt.
Google what it is before showing how unaware you are of life outside ur parents house, strategist
Okay, do you make more as enlisted or commissioned?
the cabal of blitz is like dozer and hpriests named after sanrio characters that only heal themsevles
that’s who you’re standing up to?
applaud you for punching up i guess