Enhance fun?

Only play resto but looking to change it up…

Is enhance pretty fun? I mainly do m+ and a little PvP.

Enhace is pretty good for pvp in 3v3 content, op heals, strong burst and 1min pressure with legendary doomwinds, play with a war or a monk and u can get 2100 pretty ez if u good enough, i reached 1900 with a Spriest so everything works. In m+ you will have a lot of fun, the interaction of spells is pretty fun with the frost shock talent and chain lightning. Is a fun spec overall, hope u get a good time.

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As a former (wotlk->wod) enh shaman main, I love the fact that it returned almost exactly to its pre-rework state. Though I still do not enjoy the SS reset mechanic as well as not being able to spread flame shocks with lava lash.


I enjoy it as much as shadowlands allows me to. I haven’t been a huge fan of the expansion as a whole but there is some fun in working your moves around the 1 min every min mark.

2 things I have enjoyed about enhancement were

  1. When I finally got to an ilvl where I wasn’t deleted 3 sec into any pvp fights and saw that I can actually start throwing some damage around to help out.

  2. During raid finder Sire Denathrius when our tank died and for some reason there were 6 shaman in the raid and we all popped our Earch Ele and I saw him get swarmed.

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I mostly play ele, but I picked up a couple of the pvp weapons to dabble in enhancement every once in a while. I mostly have just done torghast and a little bit of world pve stuff with it, but at about 200 ilvl it is a lot of fun mostly deleting mobs with a stormstrike>whip>shock combo.

Enh is much fun! Most fun spec in the game right now. Pretty animations. Lots of abilities. Something to throw at any problem. Fast paced game play. It’s not particularly powerful tho so if being fotm is part of your definition of fun… enh is probably not for you.


Really wish we could equip a second leggo but I feel we would already know if that was coming in 9.1.

Which leggo for enhance would be recommended?

It’s basically Doomwinds all the way. It lets you 100% windfury for like 13 sec or something every min. Other things have been seeing a little use for fun and we want them to be good but honestly Doomwinds is something that when we lose we will miss and is a lot of fun even if we are all kind of getting tired of it.

Doomwinds doomwinds doomwinds.

Doomwinds is the meta leggo right now. Wolf Doctor’s Witch Bones is competitive in single target (and I think it’s more fun than Doomwinds). I like the rhythm of Frost Witch.

Frost witch + doom winds would be pretty spicy lol

So picked up a 190 doom winds to test out.

I have to admit I feel lost. It’s obviously not a builder/spender class, so I’m basically rotating abilities, right? I feel that much of my time is waiting for things to come off CD.

I know that my gear is not optimal by any stretch. I’m just trying to get a feel for it.

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Well, enhance is a cooldown management spec, so you need 2 things, Haste and a good rotation.
So follow this simple rules, Stormstrike is always a priority, dont waste msw until u have 6 or more, before using Doomwinds try to have ST and sundering up, Doomwinds make u proc 100% windfury and windfury proc from ST, sundering, crashlightning and meeles, and for your burst, always ascendance first then ST then doomwinds.

Generally speaking, you want to do something that generates maelstrom, then buff your damage, then drop windfury and spam abilities that proc it.

So you always start combat by popping wolves.
Depending on your race and covenant you may want to pop your racial and/or your covenant ability. This somewhat depends on your soulbinds too, as some soulbinds give you a stat or damage buff when you use your ability.
Then you’ll want to use Flame Shock then Stormstrike to get your dot rolling and put SS on cd.
Ascendance will reset your cooldown on SS, which you do before Windfury Totem, so that you get the full 12 seconds of uptime on Doom Winds, with your first attack being Wind Strike.

Because you popped wolves and maybe even your covenant ability, you may have 5+ maelstrom weapon. But you don’t want to use it during the burst window - in theory you should pop wolves after Doom Winds expires, but you want it on cooldown and want to be able to fill the gaps when SS/Sundering/Crash aren’t available.

Your rotation during the window will be SS > Sundering > Crash
If you have more than 1 target (even if the 2nd target takes no damage or full heals when the first dies etc…) you fill with Chain Lightning instead, as this reduces the cooldown of Crash, allowing you to potentially get more Windfury procs during Doom Winds.

You only want to spend MSW when you can’t hit any of the 3 windfury generators, even if you’re at 10 MSW. Once Doom Winds falls off feel free to do double lightning bolt to spend all 10 at once, but ideally you want to keep up your rotation and just use LB when you have nothing else to hit (and ideally at 8+ MSW).

If you can maintain this, then you’ll have very little downtime.
Be sure to pop WFT every minute as soon as your DW debuff falls off.

If you do have 1-2 gcd of cooldown where you can’t do anything, drop healing stream totem. It’s instant, doesn’t interrupt your melee swing, and does help the healers a little bit. If that’s also on cooldown, refresh your Earth Shield so that it doesn’t fall off when you do have things up that do damage.

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I don’t enjoy Doomwinds too much, well, as a legendary anyways.

I use Bones with Spirit Raptors primarily. It is actually fairly strong and uptime on Spirit Raptors is pretty nice.

Frost Witch is kind of interesting. Manage your Maelstrom Stacks and Stormbringer procs and it is pretty consistent. Makes Stormflurry and Elemental Assault talent pretty relevant.

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Bones actually feels pretty nice. Yeah it’s rng on top of rng which I hate, but it allows me to play the hot hands build which I prefer. I’d love a higher proc rate on hot hands and that lava lash talent from torghast that increases lava lash damage by 500% and spreads flame shock, but I’m enjoying the bones leggo with the elemental blast/hot hands build.

Honestly, I don’t like it at all.

Hot hands almost never procs, the proc rate on it is rediculous, it’s basically a wasted talent, but without relying on windfury with that legendary + build, there’s not really another option.

Trying to get Ele blast in to your rotation is already horrible, especially because it uses MSW, which you tend to use on LB/CL/HW (or CH for Venthyr), and you want to use it on CD which you can’t without hard-casting.

They need to make it an instant spell cast, and bake the MSW damage in to it, and take away the synergy with MSW.

That’ll make it feel so much better, and give us more talent options potentially. The Torghast power would be nice, but it’d replace r1c1 talent making EB somewhat irrelevant for Wolf build, unless they tone down the 500% so that it’s only better for AoE.

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I run Ice Strike on mine. It allows me to tech with the Shock spells.

Tried Hot Hand. It’s proc is kind of lousy

Lava Lash needs even more of a buff than it got. What it got wasn’t enough.


I’ve been feeling that enhance is very rng… maybe I’m playing it wrong?

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