Enhance fun?

It is very RNG, but that has been the design since Vanilla.

I mean its fun, but as an enhance main since TBC, ive been playing my ele a lot more the past few months. In PvP itll take some getting used to playing enhance and staying alive, you need to hold MSW stacks for heals and try to make sure you have mana for them, try to kite when you can (isnt very effective against a lot of classes since enhances mobility isnt good)/LoS when you can and pre-walling stuns/setups is very important. Ultimately youll 100% want to play with a warrior, ive played both with a warrior and Boomie this season and the difference in survivability with a warrior is just massive for enhance, if you dont play with a warrior(and a good one at that, you can totally feel the difference in your survivability when you have a good warrior to communicate with vs one who doesnt know how to rotate intervene you, reflect, rally peel etc. effectively) then youll be a fairly easy kill target for any meta comp(Ret/warr, Warr/x, RMP, etc.) played by competent players in the 1900-2k rating and above bracket. Even with a good warrior there will often be numerous butthole clenching moments in a game where you need to react extremely quickly and end up just barely surviving with like 5-10% hp, enhance is very squishy in 3s and its something youll need to adjust to. Other than that try to bait peoples disarms/defensives for your DW’s setups (although this wont happen against any good team, they simply wont press stuff until they see your DW), stagger your CDs with your warriors most of the time, and zugzug.

For m+ its not BAD, but it also isnt great. Its damage is mostly competitive and isnt bad, but WW and Outlaw are definitely better, DK is better as well(and AMZ+grip is tremendously valuable in higher keys). The biggest issue enhance has in higher keys is its survivability though, and a lack of an immunity, if youre used to playing melee in higher keys youll probably be relatively ok but still just die to some stuff, be liberal with your use of your only defensive (wall), and get used to using your heals on yourself(and sometimes on others when necessary) as thats probably one of the biggest strengths enhance has, its off heals are very strong and something you should make good use of especially in higher keys.

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You prefer ele for all content now?

Any luck with Ethereal Form in PVP? Think the idea is to use it, watch enemy waste CDs, then pop Shamanism

I mean I certainly do for m+. Ele is significantly better in m+ and its also ranged which makes it automatically more viable, enhance being melee in higher keys and with certain affixes is just an absolute nightmare and given the lack of defensives it can become a liability.

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