Enhance community perception all time low

Spec needs to be looked at again. Can’t get into groups for any content


Agreed, Devs have long forgotten enhance as a spec. its a shame. I got booted on mine a few hours ago souly for being an enhance trying to RBG


Yeah i dont even do group content anymore, i just do couple zone stuff and log. Both dps specs to be competitive requires so many skill talents and with icefury bein mandated, i cant play either dps role well for long without both my hands hurting. I been mostly playin bm or balance druid. Balance isnt much better but ehh.

Perception an all time low?

My sweet summer child.


Maybe in PvP, but in PVE it’s currently one of the best, hell this might be the first Xpacs it’s been a+ tier or higher basically the whole xpac.


I was just trying to explain this to a DF shaman-swapping guildie last night, that Enhancement being good for more than about 5 minutes per expansion is not historically precedented.


Yeah its hilarious the devs give away all our unique utility to every other class and then gives us nothing cool from their kits. Mogs are about the only thing that keeps me playing this step child of a spec.


the Sting of 7.1 in Legion still haunts me to this day.
Started the xpac strong through Emerald Nightmare, so strong that even Enh players agreed we needed to be toned down a LITTLE

And Blizz smacked us straight in to the dirt and left us there until the end of the xpac. We were losing to a tank or two in single target.

Us being in such a stellar position for most of the xpac so far is so unheard of that it baffles me when people try to say we’re being neglected or something.

Yes, we need a couple things, like Windfury being a buff or an aura (placing a short ranged totem non stop on GCD in m+ sucks so much I stopped using it) or another defensive (Ahnk isn’t a defensive, blizzard)

But other than that we’re in the best position we’ve been lol


Lol what??? Enhance is one of the top performing specs in the game currently.

What sort of garbage can have you been hiding in lately Oscar?


It’s made out of paper in PvP.

MSW healing nerfed by 75%.

Because… reasons?


Sure. But OP doesn’t seem to be talking about PVP.

Bruh, if this is what you consider Enh Shaman’s ‘all time low,’ you clearly haven’t been here long lol.


Literally enhance is one of the best raid specs and has strong M+ performance, what game have you been playing since the start of DF?


cries in wotlk phase 4 enhancement shaman

my 99 on BPC is 25% less damage than a feral parsing 90 :cry: enhance is so bad in classic right now lolllll

I have absolutely 0 problems getting into a group as enhance, ele or resto. Idk wtf you’re talking about. 1 out of every 3 groups I apply for, I get in. And I’m not sure if it’d be 3 out of 3 cause I get invited so fast.


Anything we lack in pure dps is somewhat balanced by the sheer utility we have. Its a very busy spec, and we have a plethora of stuns, stops, interrupts, slows, cleanses, lust, etc.

My only issue is we are made of paper. Hopefully the small buff to elemental warding tomorrow will help a little.

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WoW is so bizarre to me. In game people love enhancement shamans, they’re consistently one of the top specs in raids and mythics, they bring utility…

But if you spent a day in the forum, you’d think it was the worst spec on the planet and a sign of the apocalypse. I really don’t get that huge disparity…

I’m gonna go back to the game lol

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peak enhance for me was Legion.

it was a simple, fun rotation.

cleave and watch your wolves do work.

stormstrike as a primary with lavalash to spread DoTs, occassional ele blast for buff uptime was perfect. shouldnt have changed it.

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What? There was no spreading of DoTs or ele blast for enhance in legion. Not sure what you’re referring to.

What you are stating wasn’t what Legion was though.