Enhance community perception all time low

I think he is actually referring to MoP, WoD. The pinnacle of Enhance shammy gameplay. Where everything looked and felt like it was hitting like a truck even if it wasn’t!

And flame nova to do mouth watering, FPS murdering explosions from those spread dots!


I mean, still the only thing mentioned that existed during that time was LL FS spread in WoD. Ele blast still wasn’t there.

Also, right now is the best design we’ve had for enhance.



Yyea… No. Let us agree to disagree.

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Legion Enhance was literally just an anemic clone of WoD Fury warrior that traded Titan’s Grip for a paltry range increase on its weakest attacks.


I cant remember did SS also have the debuff that increased nature damage in mop. I know it did in cata which was awesome build the stacks and nuke with earth shock for nice damage.

So you prefer the poor mans fury warrior. Well hey there if fury warrior for you. its about as good as Legion Enhancement.

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Ah yes, the most boring Warrior Lite version!

Now and MoP for peak Enhancement. Unique, fun, busy.


man, classic MoP gonna break records…just wait

Ah, lapse in memory.

Glad you’re not in charge then. gg

Who in gods name PVE ‘s in this game any more

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So edgy.

So cool.

And for all those who are not so happy with the current state of PvP enhancement shammy – WoD was the BEST time to play enhancement shaman in PvP (arena, battlegrounds, or anything).


Not sure what the OP is referring to in regards to content specifically. This entire expansion has been solid overall for an enhancement shaman in terms of PvE. I cannot personally speak for PvP.

If you play any PvE content in this expansion you will certainly get accepted to groups for pretty much any content associated with PvE. The subject of community perception all-time low is too broad and unattached to anything specific.

Perhaps the OP can elaborate on this or state clearly what is meant by this post.

Literally when the class and spec got destroyed.


For what a clownshow WoD was in general, it really was a good time to be Enh. Spreading flameshock onto the entire stacked enemy BG team and pressing fire nova? chefs kiss

I remember leveling one up when I came back to the game after getting free 30-days from something having to do with the Warcraft Movie, but the Legion pre-patch hit somewhere along the leveling journey and… It was just awful.

AWFUL I tell you. I had to buy a level boost it was so bad how weak and incapable I was of killing things in the bloody old world at a tolerable speed. 90% of my spellbook instantly vanished.

It’s very good but it could still use a tidy up and not have tier pigeon hole us into only 1 build.

Sure, if by “tidy up” we mean add more complexity to the Storm build such that the priority of mindlessly spamming SS doesn’t overtake every other button and resource.

tier bonuses =/= spec design

I take it you didn’t play MoP?

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it’s all about PvP , idc if it perform in PVE i dont do PVE , like many players,

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PvP is the lowest population activity in retail though?

I can’t remember if it was mop or wod, but having fire ele and ascendance on opener, with fire ele fulfilling the same lava lash stacks searing totem gave, and having fire nova be an actual nuke….shiver
That said, i still think i overall prefer the smooth throughput this current iteration offers, where our damage is only tied to a ~30-second “cooldown” window instead of a 5-minute totem and a 3-minute ascendance