Enh Shaman Looking for guild for m+/raid

I’m a returning player looking for a fun/nice guild for some m+ and hopefully some raiding! I am a dad of a toddler so my play time is mostly confined to night time, and I’m not playing with the best equipment but I got heart haha!

But I always give my best whenever I’m playing, and I try to prepare whenever I go into a dungeon or raid be it having enough flasks/pots or reading up/watching videos on the fights.

Thank you for your time!

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We should talk! add me from my post below!

Hello!! I have a guild full of mostly working adults with children. We like to have fun while we play and kill the occasional boss. A lot of jokes and bad puns all around. We raid Tuesday/Sunday nights from 7-9:30 pm central time. We are 6/11 heroic. We have key groups from beginners to KSM. If interested, feel free to message me.
