“WW2 needs to stop” - Germany
“enh nerfed with no compensation”
“ele nerfed with no compensation”
“shaman nerfed with no compensation”
Exactly this. I have been saying this for a long time. Enh is too reliant on healing as a melee dps in a dampening meta. It needs to be compensated by some type of passive ability (no shield like ele resto). It takes far too much front load dmg compared to a lot of other specs. Healing surge is a joke now compared to the past and no more AG on top of that. What I would give to have better survivability that is not auto nerfed by dampening. Thanks for the 5% healing buff in only a few instances of rated pvp. Like that is going to help smh. If you are going to stick to this route then give us a mortal strike or something, so at least we can play reliably with other specs.
Outlaw was gutted without reason and without compensation this season. Welcome to the club. Enjoy the ride, curated by brain-dead WoW devs.
New spec discovered!
lmfao what
Yeah will definintely agree with this. No passive DR, no physical DR, removal of AG, and the cds we do have are on pretty long cds (3 min Stone Bulwark, 2 min Wall 1.5 min talented, 5 min Earth Ele, 2 min Burrow if talented in honor talents). This patch feels a lot worse for survivability mostly due to the loss of AG, can’t postpone the use of Stone Bulwark or wall now, sometimes have to send one after the other lol.
What about a maelstrom cost ability that reduces damage taken? Like Avatar Aang rock suit like ability or something
Don’t threaten me with a good time!
Yeah this is mad depressing. I literally feel like a waddling penguin in pvp as enhancement that slaps like a wet noodle - and these are the changes we get lmao.
They’re trying to shift enh’s profile into the sustained zug territory instead of being a timer spec, which i agree with from a meta pov.
Sadly they don’t seem to understand what truly needs buffs ( a trend shared by almost any spec).
Random changes thrown on a wall , see what sticks. Didn’t work? Np, try again. They’ ll keep buffing it over and over till it’s eventually skewedly overtuned then nerf it when it’s s tier and the cycle begins anew.
where is bigdam what if we randomly drop all wolf talents and play Stormbringer with Prim storm+ Ascendance side of the tree, the wolf guys from Tempest give 10% physical dmg now on top of nature. idk this sounds cooked already but 2 wolves from tempest is the same physical dmg increase as ele spirits+guarantees you get 20% nature too. This is assuming Tempest actually does something now tho, might have the issue of doing no dmg outside of tempest idk
but also instead of that:
-Buff Lava Lash by a small amount
-Buff Stormstrike more (should’ve been 25-30%, was nerfed by 50% on ptr due to pve)
-Buff Ice Strike more (10% to 300-400k is nothing, needed to be higher)
-15% nerf to prim storm is not great, should’ve been 5-10% at most or a nerf fully focused on doom winds windfury activation
-Defensive buffs that don’t revolve around off healing, takes up a ton of globals+requires an honor talent (when we already have burrow there) to be semi useful and still falls off compared to other defensives due to damp. Physical DR buff when you apply earth shield to yourself would be nice, maybe let earth ele give the shaman an absorb shield when summoned or something.
Enhance needs the ret/evoker treatment (20y range)
No wolfs, splintered elements x1, ele assault x2, legacy of frost witch x2 is the most promising in my mind.
I’m kinda thinking it’s a doom though lash might still even be better after the changes will have to see how it feels. Who knows maybe they just overlooked this and will buff frost shock and lash by 15-20% to compensate (This has no impact on burst dam just consistent dam)
Ah interesting, could see that making sense. More ele blasts and maybe lightning bolts if it’s even decent from 2/2 ele assault. That means you think they hit prim storm a bit too hard then I assume. 15% was kinda crazy, was really hoping they’d just hit doom winds windfury activation or something, prim storm should feel good to press.
And yeah not buffing lash was odd, hope they revisit that. Don’t think the Stormstrike or ice strike buffs even do much of anything sadly with the current numbers
I did more damage last season than I am now. I’m not fond of being a support class/cc bot.
It’s absolutely wild the way they hit us harder than the actual problem classes, and compensating with buttons not used at all. Lift the ghost wolf modifier they put on PvP in DF imo.
Rogue has always been the control class. People complain when we get good damage and maintain the control
As they should
Yeah I really couldn’t believe it lol. I mean it is maybe possible we get to play an ascendance stormbringer build with Prim storm side and no wolves, or an ascendance totemic build maybe like biglawnmower plays, but the reality is they nerfed our current build without buffing any of its main rotational abilities, they didn’t buff anything it uses other than ice strike which got a tiny buff.
That to me is absolutely insane, what is enhance getting punished for having? Grounding? Ranged kick? Ranged kick has its downsides, and rogue has step kick anyway which is very similar. Most of our utility has been nerfed quite heavily over time (poison cleansing totem, Static field totem) or it’s been given to other classes (tremor totem, wind rush totem) so I don’t understand this. I understand moving damage out of burst and into sustain, but how do they manage to not buff anything the current build is using that matters?