Enh Nerfed with no Compensation

So they giga nerfed lash and “increased our sustain” by buffing lightning bolt and ss both of which you don’t really press in the current build…nice. Looks like we’re joining udk in C tier


they hate to see bigdam rise up

Okay but just cast tempest more instead which got a huge 20% buff?

Enchantment Shaman complain about everything I sweat :triumph:


I really hope I don’t have to play Stormbringer the rotation is legit spamming one button until you get carpel tunnel


microscopic even

I hate how they call healing our survivability but just kill any potential of it with dampening.

I like taking stormweaver. I want to heal. I think it’s part of our spec identity and it’s fun. in bgb there was no dampening. it feels like you can actually use ur heals to their intended potential and in turn gives us somewhat reliable survivability. They’re introducing a 10% dampening to bgb but a 15% buff to healing surge, so 5% buff net I guess.

In arena healing is a complete afterthought. dampening kills most potential for stormweaver and sacrificing maelstrom for healing instead of damage is almost never worth it. GCDs for earth shield are a burden, we lost AG, healing stream is a joke. I heal less than most specs now.

I’m not saying that dampening is bad but you have to acknowledge that when healing is considered the survivability of a true hybrid spec like enh it disproportionally affects them in a negative way.

That’s why survivability changes for enh need to come from somewhere else. damage reduction, more shields, immunities, idk

And enhance desperately needs updated mobility. It honestly doesn’t have to be much but dks, pallys and other specs have gotten their mobility revamped and I think it’s time for enhance.


Freedom that gets insta purged is revamped mobility? O you meant steed that doesnt immune or remove slows? Ghost wolf with spirit wolf is miles better than anything ret has.

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Where is the lash nerf?

He means the build, which was nerfed by the changes.

Primal storm and windfury are the majority of the lethal damage within the lash build at the moment

Stormstrike and lightning bolt are almost never used and 15/10 aren’t going to increase their priority within the lash build

This is a nerf to lashs burst and a mediocre buff to exclusively tempest/stormstrike build which is not only much worse than what these buffs will do, but it also removes pretty much all of the positive changes enh received going into df through access to the lash build (not instantly unplayable into high armor/ultra mobile specs)

Fwiw primal storm and doomwinds with every modifier were probably too strong
but there should be been either buffs to relevant damage sources (assuming their dev notes were their intention even at all)
Or 25% ss/lb buffs with windfury nerf somehow not hitting the tempest build

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An actual mobility buff would have been nice and these changes would have been way better.


No way u actually believe this. It never happens but u realize ghost wolf is dispellable.

We have ghost wolf with thunderous paws (what people actually take) that removes 1 snare every 20s

Either gust of wind (20s) or spirit walk which removes 1 root and or snare (1 min)

And wind rush which idk maybe removes 3 snares in its duration (2 min)

So at best in a 2 min span we can remove

11 snares and 2 roots

A single full duration blessing of freedom probably averages those numbers.

The way roots and snares are in the game rn, in that same time span, I imagine we’re getting rooted/snared exponentially more than that. The very clear problem with our mobility tools is that none provide a “true freedom” so bc u just get root/snared immediately after, it provides almost no value.


TLDR: Enhance burst got nuked while nothing we actually use rotationally with the only viable build we have got buffed. These buttons will not be used even after the buffs. The only button we press that got buffed was Ice strike and it was only a 10% buff. We got no mobility compensation, ice strike slow going from 50 to 60% does nothing for our uptime issue. Extremely disappointed with these changes, they are actually really bad. Stormbringer will still do nothing outside of Ascendance because a 15% buff to Stormstrike after it got nerfed by 50% doesn’t do much. Just sad.

Severely disappointed with these changes. Hard to explain how sad it is to see this. I had a feeling this was coming too, but was coping about it thinking that our burst wouldn’t be reduced without an actual meaningful increase to enhance mobility.

Unfortunately, a 10% increase to Ice Strike slow that we apply every 13 seconds or so is going to do absolutely nothing for our uptime and I’m honestly a little frustrated over the fact that was even remotely thought of as a solution.

Our main way of killing people once we finally got to them was nerfed pretty hard via Prim storm and Windfury, and they buffed a bunch of buttons our only viable build does not press and will not press after these buffs. We don’t press stormstrike often at all, we don’t press lightning bolt or chain lightning at all. The only thing we do press that got buffed is Ice strike, and it only got a 10% buff lol.

No lava lash buff, no ele blast buff, only a 10% ice strike buff. Oh and btw, Stormstrike was nerfed by 50% on PTR and it applied to pvp, whereas the 100% buff did not apply to pvp, so this buff to stormstrike means it is now only doing 35% less damage than last patch! Yay!

I highly doubt we move over to stormbringer with this, maybe it’s possible but it is a lot less fun than totemic and it still has the issue of doing nothing outside of ascendance. The only real thing I think this did was make stormbringer slightly better and totemic a lot worse, meaning neither build is good now.


our sustained damage is not going to increase with these changes. buffing abilities we don’t use is fine, but these are tiny buffs to abilities severely underperforming, so it isn’t going to move the needle. Stormstrike does nothing, lightning bolt is ‘okay’ but does very little in comparison to Ele blast so it is not used and still won’t be, the windfury nerf effects Stormbringer build too so even with these small, it still got hit with a nerf, and it is also a severely underperforming build.

Essentially, Lava lash needed a small buff, Stormstrike needed a bigger buff, Ice Strike needed a bigger buff, and lightning bolt could’ve used a bigger buff as well.

Getting no mobility compensation for losing our only way to kill people is extremely sad. 50% slow going to 60% doesn’t do a single thing to solve that problem I mean come on. We also got no survivability compensation, healing surge buffs matter little because eventually enhance will fall off due to damp, and we still lost a major CD with AG removal.

These changes are quite awful. Our rework was great imo, and all we really needed was some damage shifted out of our burst and into -all- of our rotational abilities to compensate and a small mobility update on top of that. Sad to see.


Do you think the build will shift towards stormbringer with these?

Okay dozer :roll_eyes:

Are you actually serious here or? My only two classes are paladin and shaman, I main ret and enh/ele, and I promise you there is nothing better than freedom that enh has. If you wanna log onto an enhance and see for yourself, please do, give it a try, I guarantee you’ll miss freedom and steed almost immediately. You’ll probably also miss having 20-30 yard range on most of your dps spells. Enh has some range spells too, but not as many or as often as ret.

Now obviously ret and enh have their negatives and positives, but to say ghost wolf with spirit wolf is miles better than anything ret has is objectively wrong lol, you have to sit in ghost wolf for a few seconds for it to stack up, and you can still get slowed down to 100% movespeed so it does nothing, no enh takes this outside of niche scenarios in blitz. I’d trade blessing of freedom for ghost wolf any day of the week, you can’t get out of roots with ghost wolf ever, only snares every 20 seconds, with freedom you get out of roots+snares every 25 seconds and if it doesn’t get purged you have root/snare immunity for 8 seconds with 30% move speed and you also give this to an ally+yourself. You also cant do any damage or healing while in ghost wolf, whereas with freedom and steed you can. Not saying ret mobility is amazing, but it is not worse than enhance.

Also not sure why you are even here comparing the two specs? What does this have to do with ret? Rets getting buffs like it should, it’ll probably be great next week, enhance got horrible tuning and needs some help mobility wise, why are you here discussing ret?

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The mobility arms race needs to stop.


Never actually happens. Anyone not blind instantly dispells freedom and you are back to walking across the map. Enh has only gotten its mobility buffed in the last expansions.

Lastly im gonna hit you with the same garbage response I get when I ask mobility or snares as ret “ret is not meant to have that because you have other tools”. There you go ret and enh are balanced rhe same, no ms, no mobility, no real kill potential by themselves. Cheers

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Now that you mention its survivability and healing, it would be cool if Enh gave out small “takes X% less damage” buffs to itself and even teammates. Would feel very Enhance-like and give it a unique identity.


You have mobility, and you have built in snares to judgement and cons from the class tree, both of which are okay. You also have better cc overall and can set up your own go if need be with a long stun on a short CD+rep or blind.

This isn’t a comparison between ret and enh though, no idea why you are here discussing ret. Make a thread about ret if you want to discuss its issues. What people say to you about ret doesn’t need to apply here, ret has different tools than enh, and you also just got buffs that should make your spec quite good so i’m not sure what you are even here complaining about. Enh just got nerfs to its only way of killing people, and barely got an increase to its sustain. Maybe tempests will kill people now idk, probably not, and even then dont think anything stormbringer builds press does damage outside of tempest.

Enh was basically the only melee to get a nerf like this, fury has insane burst/sustain and didnt get touched, feral didnt get touched and has both very good burst and sustain, dks got a good survivability buff and their burst didnt get touched despite it also being one shot centric, dh has good burst and did not get nerfed. WW got nerfed for obvious reasons, but should still be great.

To actually increase our sustain (for totemic, not just stormbringer) we needed:
-Bigger Stormstrike buff (again, was nerfed by 50% due to pve, and the 100% buff it got did not apply to pvp).

-Bigger Ice Strike buff (hits for 300-400k, 10% to this is nothing)

-Small Lava Lash buff (something totemic presses rotationally, should be buffed by 5-10% to compensate for the Prim Storm nerf)

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