Engineering seems like it's going to get left in the dust for Shadowlands, is there any new content planned for it?

The battle rez this expansion is garbage. I have to hunt for their body, click it a billion times until I’m actually within range, usually dying in the process because the cast time is so slow and there are mechanics that need to be dodged, and it still has a possibility to do nothing. It’s a joke. This is the behavior I’d expect from a silly toy in the game found at random, not a tool crafted by a profession. Something similar to Warlock’s soul stone would have been better the way this is currently executed. I can tolerate the probability to do nothing, when it’s out of combat (gnomish army knife example) but during combat this is a liability.

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I think the flight paths being in terrible locations hurts this too.

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Crafted equipment hasn’t really been relevant since WotLK but SL’s goggles are a plain noob trap. Was the ilvl messed up? They should start with 171 and go up 201 or so with the blue mark. Right now there’s zero reason to make them.

That besides, my major complaint are the explosives. Why the hell do they have such absurdly long cast times? The grenade isn’t a grenade at all but a mortar with that cast time. All of them except the mine are entirely unusuable.

The belt attachments are extremely mediocre. There’s no new cloak glider and the old one competes with basically free enchants. There are no rocket boots, no rocket gloves, nothing really.


The crafted BoP items were very good in both Legion and BfA. They weren’t BIS, but they were quite good. Certainly worth the time and effort to craft them. The ones in SL are simply a trap, a waste of dev time.

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Currently, there really isn’t a reason to level engineering past 70. There’s nothing of use after you make the wormhole. The goggles are bad and the scopes are ok, but since they are the only path to max engineering, everyone is making them and they sell for next to nothing on the AH.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a profession where there was nothing of value to craft at max ranks.

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They’re not random. They’re actually fixed points. Wowhead has data on all 6 points if you’re curious.

Also, the bres item and the wormhole item sell for a lot, and are in demand (esp the bres item). The wormhole item is sought after because the flight path system is so time consuming in SL. Really, engineering isn’t all that bad. I honestly feel like you guys are exaggerating. :sweat_smile:

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Random as it just kinda in the middle of nowhere, not random as it picked each time at random.

What, really? The bres item doesn’t even take rare mats, it’s literally just several layers deep of Laestrite Ore and a bit of Porous Stone. Total mats:

  • 7 - 16 Laestrite Ore (average: 9.25)
  • 4 - 12 Porous Stone (average: 7.5)
  • 1.5 - 2 Machinist Oil (average: 1.75) - 9g each (average: 15.75g)
  • 1-2 Luminous Flux (average 1.5) - 9g each (average: 13.5g)

*I think the vendor prices are right here. I went off Wowhead, I’m not in Oribos atm while I’m waiting for the slackers to make it to the raid.

Honestly, the stone is probably the most annoying piece, but given that the two blacksmithing consumables created from it are strictly inferior to Shadowcore Oil, which itself isn’t exactly that expensive_, Porous Stones are cheap as hell on the AH from anyone farming ore for blacksmithing legendary base items.

I mean, they ain’t free, but they aren’t exactly expensive to create either.

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Oh, I misinterpreted what you meant.

Must be a server thing then. It sells for ~500g, and buying mats for one would cost me ~100g.

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Blizzard killed Engi when they removed Ammo from the game Fact…the one thing we whom were engi could make gold on was the need for ammo.

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Which is weird. They require engineering 50 to use, but they only require engineering 55 to craft. Like, no one that can use them should be buying them straight instead of making them themselves. People… /boggle.

I mean, some of the mounts from recent expansions were solid. And the helms were at usually at least worth it. Still, most of the benefit of engineering is the utility aspect, and frankly, most of that is prior-expansion stuff now. Heck, even the dominant belt enchant is the BfA one atm, because the SL ones are garbage.

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I was also so shocked to find that they were so profitable! I never expected considerable returns from them. Honestly, I feel like fellow engineers are just so lazy to craft them, they’d rather just buy them straight from the AH.

I agree. The RNG component of the belt enchants now makes the BFA one seem like it’s a better option because it’s guaranteed, which is kind of sad.

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SL engineering dont get significant new stuffs — be happy that our old recipes still work in Shadowlands and at level 60.

Compare to other professions their BFA and older recipes no longer work pass level 51.

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You can look at it from a different view… engineers get free Shadowlands engineer. You dont have to farm SL jeeves, mailbox, and toys.


It did for a while. Then at some point in 8.3 it stopped consuming. Not sure if that was a bug, maybe it was since at the SL one was also not consuming on use. Either way though Engi is worth it to me just for the brez, however crappy it may be compared to actual brez. Has saved many M+ runs.

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That’s fair. The only thing we really care about, the brez, only requires skill 55 to craft and 50 to use. Far better than, say, enchanters needing to reach 115 for all of the weapon enchants and all of the enchanted materials required for the legendary base items, while 70+ basically just requires a funnel of purple crystals to make any progress.

Edit: actually, also the wormhole generator, which is, iirc, 75. But that’s not hard to hit either. And you only need it on one of your engineers, since its a toy and only requires Shadowlands Engineering 1 to use.

Don’t forget the loot-a-rang! :slight_smile:

Some legendary goggles would be awesome. With a cool engy perk to them… something like… “can apply any learned legendary to them”… ignoring the slot requirement… not OP, just convenient.

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I meant the only things from Shadowlands. All of the other stuff you get from older expansions.

Though the loot-a-rang now requires Cata engi 70 instead of 1, so that was kinda a pain for peeps that haven’t had engineering continuously since back then (or toons created since then).

Reducing the cast time of the nutcracker grenade to something reasonable like 0.5s and adding a disorient to it so it acts like an actual grenade would be a good change. The damage can be lowered to compensate.

The bola launcher is actually pretty good but almost impossible to land due to the absurd cast time.

The shared cooldowns on everything are absurd as well, explosives should be on their own cooldown.

I feels like their damage is actually good right now but everything else makes them hardly usable, other than the mine.

Adding new glove/boot/cloak options is a must as well.

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awww man, i feel this so hard.