Engineering Profession Feedback

If it helps I obtained about 23 scrap when levelling from 70 to 80 earlier in the beta, mostly from random chests around the maps. That was enough to discover the new bolts rec (which allows skill ups till 10) and with the recent change the pilfer through parts rec. It was a copied toon from live which fortunately hadn’t had its bags purged for the new xpack yet. Each stack of mats seems to yield about 500 scrap, which is huge in terms of being able to progress the profession.

If removed, the profession will need to be redesigned or an alternate source of mass scrap added in to the game. Even just in speculating on it staying as is probably worth grabbing 10k bolts for now whilst everyone is dumping mats ahead of TWW’s release because its going to be a whole lot more expensive and/or time consuming in a couple of months time.

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I agree. They need to allow us to continue to pilfer as it is now. If they remove the ability to pilfer older engineering materials, it will completely destroy this profession. I have been using this system a lot, and testing it thouroughly. I have probably pilfered 4000 old mats, and I am still sitting at lvl 40 engineering. Without the ability to pilfer old materials, I would probably still be at level 5.

I would argue it needs redesigned period.

The whole scrapping old expac goods for progression in the new expac is a REALLY bad design. You shouldn’t need it. The fact you do tells you just how bad the current design is.

I have started stockpiling mats. But even doing that I expect engineering will still progress slower than every other profession. And for the people that don’t know they need to start stockpiling now…


As someone who has been looking at every profession on the levelling server the amount of herbs, ore and the rare materials associated with them is huge. Testing the professions on the level 80 server where mats are supplied is like false advertising. The big problem for many professions will be the need for huge numbers of resources that you either have to spend gold buying or spend days (and I mean days) farming. I hope the placement of the rarer herb and ore types has not been finalised - because there are too few spawns to meet the likely demand.

So one reason that allowing scrapping of old mats is good, is that you can gather the amount you need from dragonflight relatively quickly (even if you dont stockpile it now). There will be huge competition for ore in tww zones from blacksmiths and jewelcrafters. Jewelcrafters in particular needs huge volumes of ore (but im hoping most of the professions havent yet looked at the resources required and configured them more realistically). Even if the competition didnt exist it would take a long time to farm the bismuth you need especially while gatherers are just starting out. The problem with relying on old expansion mats is for people choosing to take up engineering on new alts or swapping to engineering.

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And people coming back to the game. And people who just didn’t know ahead of time.

I like the idea of giving a use for old mats. But making it part of progression means they can get away with making progression worse because there is that bandage. But, it still screws over a lot of people.

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I think you guys are being hyperbolic. If Pilfer changes to not work on prior expansions’ content, you can still Pilfer all the new materials. This would simply raise the value of ores like Bismuth. Casual people will turn to Invent for notes for the first few months. It’d be pricey, but professions are always a bit crazy like this on launch. I sold my first piece of Draconium ore for 3000g on DF launch, now its worth 1g. Miners will gain more and more profession knowledge over time and overtake demand.

They want professions to be something you progress over time, not something you max out on day one.

Meanwhile if Pilfer stays baseline and can turn prior xpac’s ore into scrap – that’s what breaks the profession – think about that for second. There is over 1,000,000 Serevite ore on the NA AH now. Maybe 1000x that sitting in people’s banks? Pilfer doesn’t just turn that into scrap, it turns it in engr mats. And its not just Serevite, its like half the ores in the game shuffle into engr mats. You’re talking about literally 20 years of built up storage shuffling into a new expansion content overnight.

As for a total rework of Engineering, I can’t comment if that’s a good or bad idea. But it doesn’t seem like a realistic one. I could be wrong, but they have very little time and lots of work to do on TWW.

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I think you are correct. It is highly unlikely that it will happen. It should. But it wont.

Best we can hope for is they drastically up the scrap rate. Because otherwise farming for hours to get one useless recipe because of RNG is going to be REALLY frustrating.

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How many people are going to be able to afford the new engineering mount? It comes out to about 3.1 million gold for all of the mats.

Not going to reply in the warbank thread as to not derail that, but how did you get those prices Betrayor? Is there a vendor somewhere that is selling the parts? (or multiple vendors for each one)

Also it will be interesting if old mats pilfering will kept in. Getting your first 15 scrap (as the main hub sells 5 by the engy trainer) is quick and easy. Then it’s pilfer for days for that sweet sweet scrap. (please add pilfer all soon beg)

I do wonder if it’s blizzard’s intent to make all TWW profession mat intensive to try and keep herbing/mining/skinning going for longer than just the first month. The market crashes to nothingness very quickly once people use what little materials they need to level professions.

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That is amazingly funny, do you really believe that herbing, mining and skinning are only viable for the 1st month?

If you do that is amazingly funny IMO.

As for Engineering as a whole, the entire system as it is now needs to be reworked, it is a tragedy, and not the good kind with a moral at the end of it.


There is a vendor that sells the mats for the mount in the ringing depths. I went there and checked the costs and was floored.

Guessing that was because you thought engineers were actually going to get something to make a profit with. That is a silly mistake. :wink:

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We haven’t had that spirit since 1969… sorry I mean 2004.


I was being hyperbolic and not literally meaning just a single month. I was trying to make a point that the market gets flooded very quickly and the prices of materials drop dramatically.

Maybe that blizzard is trying to keep the want for materials in play longer than it was for DF. As even a year ago prices for this stuff was pennies on the dollar with hundreds of thousands of material on the market as the general public no longer needed it. Thanks for the hostility though?

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Thanks for the info! Will have to swing by. Could be it’s a placeholder vendor since the only other way to get the materials for the mount is from pilfering? Could also just be at it’s face value, here buy this mount for 3 million gold and have an engineer craft it for you.

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I haven’t seen any of the parts through pilfering. Do we know if you can even get them that way?

Also, they recently changed the actual recipe to the expensive mats. It was actually pretty cheap to make initially. I made it on my beta character before the mat change. So, it is unlikely the cost is not intentional.

And, finally, if it was really a placeholder vendor I would expect that the mats would be cheep, to test things. And I would expect the vendor to be next to the trainer so people wouldn’t have to look for it.

It seems pretty likely the cost is intended. Even though it is insane and a terrible idea.

Even if that was the case, it drastically reduces the market. Very few people are going to have enough money and be willing to spend it on the mount. Look how rare it is to see anyone on the expensive spider mount, which is cheaper than this mount looks to be.

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There is a way to pilfer parts for it under the invent specialty, but the rate at which mats are pilfered is very low from my testing.

Because I didn’t understand you does not mean you should infer hostility, that’s on you, I found your hyperbole funny and chaotic to my mind, as in some people would actually think that in this day & age.

I agree with you, the whole system, and for the most part, all professions need to be reworked IMO.

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As Betrayor said you need 10 points in the inventing tree to unlock the sub node to get the mount parts from pilfer. Melted down nearly 3k serevite bolts and received 39 bolts, 5 whirlygigs, 2 blinker fluid, and 1 converter. Sitting at 50 skill atm. Does skill make a difference? shrug

Makes sense that if it was for testing the vendor would sell them for cheap. Think that shoots my testing theory out of the sky lol.

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I owe you an apology then, seems I misunderstood the tone of your post

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