Engineering borderline wothless now, nitro boots nerfed

I take engineering on most of my characters solely for loot-a-rang. It’s a huge QOL toy particularly if you’re a ranged dps/healer.

Nitro and glide cloak are extra bonuses.

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All 30ish of my alts are engineers:

  1. Loot-a-rang
  2. Great teleports - Northrend, Pandaria, Draenor, Argus, Everlook/Gadgetzan, Zandalar & Kul Tiras, Toshley’s/Area 52. I use these regularly.
  3. Unlimited cloak-gliders (the worst thing about BFA was actually Ashjra’kamas - ask any engineer)
  4. Unlimited speed-boosts - if they share CDs with pots, then that’s a nerf, /shrug. Maybe at some point one of the other numerous tinkers will be considered worth using instead of nitro-boosts, too.
  5. An extra mailbox (not as great now that we have the toy, but still nice)
  6. More AH access points
  7. Blingtrons
  8. Craftable pets and mounts that are occasionally profitable
  9. Jeeves (bank access)

Nitro boost has been sharing a cooldown with potions since 2014.


I guess I am not losing Engineering in Shadowlands on my 4 Dks after all! :slight_smile:

I thought they either nerfed jumper cables or took them out?

I’ve had Engineering on Jinx here since the day I made him (when we got Goblins.)

I’ve never once even made a pair of those Nitro Boots, much less used then. I guess on a slow pally, I can see their use though – slow movement isn’t a thing for Rogues, what with Sprint, Nightstalker, etc.

I chose the profession, like others, for the Utility aspects: wormhole teleporters, repair hammers, battle-rez (and jumper cables), goggles, mounts, bombs, more AH vendors, tmog phone booths, hunter stable, water skimmers, plus all of the neat toys!

I don’t run keys higher than 15s so I suppose I don’t have a dog in that fight, but my friends that do run them up to 25 have never mentioned anything about needing/requiring Engineering to be successful.

Does blingtron drop anything good?