Engineering borderline wothless now, nitro boots nerfed

Whoa, Engineering isn’t useful?

Congrats, you’re finally like everyone else.

Except Alchemy. Alchemy is the older successful brother who moved away and became rich and doesn’t talk to his family anymore.


Hear I am picking it to make passive money and have cool engineer exclusive goggles.

Ion doesn’t like professions because they provide the player with agency and that goes against his “play the way I tell you” style.


Tailoring for me is still good. I like to make bags for my alts… Running out of alts, and the bags are piling up. Probably should sell them, but everything I try to sell on the AH just come back to me. And I mean EVERYTHING. Armour… crafting mats… nothing sells.

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Mounts. I made 700k+ gold toward my brutosaur in about 2 weeks by selling engineering mounts alone.

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Without engineering I’m doomed to never do well in m+. Got it. :+1:

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Engineering is amazing… the wormhole generators, dimensional rippers, and ultra safe transporters let me get almost anywhere very quickly. Reeves and Jeeves, which lets me use my bank or repair items anywhere, even inside dungeons where you can’t mount. We have a battle rez, gunshoes, the lootarang, and even the swapblaster which allows you to kill your friends by swapping them into lava.

I can’t play a character without engineering any more.


Actually Shadowmeld can be used in combat. I use it all the time like a rogue’s Vanish.

My loot-a-rang, Jeeves, and battle Rez feel differently…

Haha this. I will admit im perpetually poor so the loot-a-rang is all I care to have concerning professions anyways.

I pretty much always run Enchanting + Engineering on my main purely out of convenience.

Nitro boots, Flexweave Underlay, Loot-a-rang, Jeeves (my main has brez already)

It wouldn’t be worthless if all the vanilla goggles were cosmetic items instead of cloth items.


A bit disappointing if the boost can kill you now. It was annoying, but sometimes a blessing when the thing would cause you to launch into the air. Adding death to the RNG is going to annoy people more than anything.

The potion part I can adapt to. It’ll be either a fight or flight choice more so, now.

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engineering has never been a proffesion meant to be “useful” its just a fun silly proffesion that adds somthing to people who use it. theres many uses for engineering in every expansions content.
same with incription, although inscription did get shafted hard and im glad they are trying to fix it in shadowlands

Used to take engineering for the looterang, but thats locked behind lvl 70 cata now. ><

Not what I said. What I said is if you want to do well, you pick engineering. It doesn’t mean you can’t do well without it; it means that if you are putting in effort to do well in M+ you will default to leveling engineering.

A party where everyone has engineering is a party that functionally has an extra shroud not gated by having a rogue that STACKS with having a rogue.

I’ve been an engineer from my first character and I’ll be an engineer forever…even if the only thing I get use out of is the loot-a-rang. Oh…and my buddy Blingtron.

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The new cooldown mechanics are absolute garbage.

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Gee, I wonder why a growing amount of my characters end up looking like this.

It was nice having a reason to have at least one of every profession on the alts. Making anyone else into an engineer. Now I just don’t even bother with this mess. Saves me lots of gold too.

They still need to be made. Plus once we get rid of the cloak, we can have the free gliders back for our cloaks. :slight_smile:

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Alchemy and Enchanting are the only production professions worth taking now. They’ve ruined the rest.