Enduring Bloodstone Bugged for majority of cc especially all ferals/hunters/warriors stuns

a simple fix that would make the gem actually worthwhile, would just be to give the DR buff while under any form of CC, instead of loss of control.

or make it last 5s every time a form of CC is used on you, similar to how precog behaves.

This is a pretty big bug that needs to be communicated to the developers immediately.

Is this bug on the Devs’ radar yet?

Not unless someone bug reported it

Not true! The devs definitely read these forums and take into consideration our feedback :upside_down_face:

Blizz has people that gather up stuff to send to whatever dept needs to see it. A better place for this would be Bugs forums. Here:

You can also note it in game:

Game Menu::Support::Bug Report

But you have to be more concise there as limited space to type up the bug.

So, with conquest uncapped, I finally tried this embellishment.

Here is how much speed you can get in TWW:

  • 10% from enchants (bracer/chest/cloak/boots) but maybe the speed chest enchant only exists for agi classes, therefore for plate/cloth it would be more like 9% total
  • 10% from the Blasphemite gem + 5 other gems with different stats
  • 5% from using 2 embellishments that increase the effect of the blaspehmite gem by 25% each

Overall, you can gain 25% speed, which was not possible in previous expansions for rated PVP afair.

Pretty solid for blitz

The main problem with the blasphemite gem for speed is that its considered a nonstacking speed buff.

Just get the DR gem.

maybe if it worked

Any fixes yet or still not working correctly?

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Crazy lmfao hope this is fixed asap, or break precog for the rest of the season to compensate :rofl:

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This is still going on lol

example #112 that devs don’t get any feedback from these forums


We’ll revisit this when 11.0.7 fixes it

I was wondering where you went!

Lurking, cuz I haven’t been doing pvp. Can find me in bug report though

This bug seems to have finally been resolved with 11.1! It just took a full season


Thanks for bringing it to the attention of the devs! Now what are your thoughts on the sinister cabal?

I’ll leave it up to metaphors to handle the cabal/saubal he is the voice of the people

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