What CC does trigger it though? Kidney Shot? Cheap Shot? Leg Sweep? Fears?
Well when I say I tested some I mean I probably tested 10-15% of cc in the game.
To list a few I tested and it works:
dk silence
cheap shot
cap totem
spriest stun
spriest fear
spriest silence
Hammer of justice
It’s very random what ccs trigger it and which don’t. The testing is also very easy to do so other can see for themselves how bugged this is
Slap in a precog gem instead. You might be surprised how often that thing goes off on your melee toon for seemingly no reason, or what should be no reason. PvP gems so cheap now if you come to find Im wrong (I’m not) you’re out like what few hundred gold?
Can also just use the crit effect one if nothing else is worth using on that character.
You probably shouldn’t change it since it’s probably still better than most of the gems. Don’t listen to the guy telling you to get a precog gem.
True. I put precog on a monk i was thinking about playing MW on but didn’t. Never changed it out, goes off alot when playing WW and casting nothing.
Do you have to try and turn every post in to a war with someone?
Precog donors are the best but this will stop happening almost ever after a certain rating threshold.
Ahhh yeah, didnt th8nk of that! I play below whatever that threshold is on the reg, ergo me no consider bloop
I have a duty to notify someone when they’re being given bad advice.
Good message, bad messaging.
Okay then man. Put precog gems into your gear as a melee. See if I care. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.
He’s just saying do something for fun. Relax. You seem very high strung today.
Yeah, I am little bit lol. I’m realizing that now.
Hes mad he was recently reminded of his mental breakdown while failing to achieve glad last season.
Somebody might’ve reminded him about the entirety of Dragonflight.
Idk about precog on warrior but you can proc your own precog from his spell reflect.
Still works as intended?
I used to play precog on bdk in bgs and wraithwalk always had like 2 people kicking me.
I was just about to post but found yours. I was just CC’d 9 times and only got 2 procs. Terrible.
“The War Within”, “Midnight” and “The Last Titan” are just codes for “alpha”, “beta” and “live”.
We can expect a finished, playable game by the end of this