Endgame tanks in m+

Care to share a better source? Showing another season having worse

I already did lmao.

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Where? lmao.

Yeah, because most keys the balance doesn’t matter too much

Wtf where? This is unfortunate news for me if true.

Considering that Prot Paladin hasn’t been the top tier tank at any point in the past 3 expansions, I think they deserve a season to shine TBH.


This is facts.

We have almost always been second/third since the end of DF season 1 tho.

VDH has been the meta tank the majority of seasons (and looking to be so next season) since it was added in Legion and people are fine with it. Prot Pally is the top meta tank for one season and people lose their minds lol.

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Is the source coming or what? lol

Sorry running a 14. I’ll dig it up after.


FOTM players always skew participation numbers, but I am curious what strictly +10 key comps look like. But even then, player choice can’t be “balanced” around, imo.

Honestly it’s barely that, we were gutted for about a 1/3rd of this season:

So you didn’t already post it :clown_face:

No I posted the source. Not the chadrtr

I mean sure, didn’t really counter anything I said lol

Kinda happens when you don’t allow stuns to interrupt anymore, the moment the one tank spec capable of spamming silences gets buffed, it dominates the meta.


You claimed that it trickles down into low keys. We can assume 8s are low keys since that’s where the crest farm exists, and yet it still mimics the graph that Elk

I wouldn’t take top 100 too seriously. Top 100 could be separated by simply 10 points.

How exactly is it the worst when it copies how DF S1 was? It’s like a 3-4% difference between each tank. It’s fairly linear which would not coincide with “worst metas”. DF S4 is much more of an offender.

This will always be the case. Always. I’ve said it a hundred times and i’ll say it a hundred more: Even when Paladin is considered a “bad tank” - they’re doing great. That utility is hard to pass up.

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It is broken, like VDH was in DF. Only good part is, at that level of keys, most tanks are same players anyway, and they’re used to rerolling whatever is meta. Most of those prot pallies were alts of some other tank spec and the players just switched for convenience.

Sorry Charlie, but there are a lot of people that like M+. You dont have to play it, but you dont get to get rid of it either.


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