See… this is why ED was so amazing. Near 50% balance and when wpvp happened it was lit. So yes perhaps I did get to experience what other servers did not due to huge imbalances, so thats something blizz would have to address if pvp servers did come back.
I wrote in the beginning of the thread of an idea to make all areas unsafe. On pvp servers if you were in your major city you were not flagged. Only in contested zones. I suggest all zones be flagged and to have cities able to have attackable like events. Horde initializes a city attack with siege and then ally have to defend. If defended it becomes a safe area for like half a day or something. If horde capture it they get an award. Then after like a set time, half a day or a couple hours or something npcs spawn to help drive off the horde and ally retake city for a safe period again. I was thinking like how the warfronts kinda were mixed with assaults from bfa, but like in world event. The assaults were in world events so they can do these things. Also…
If this was a thing, make it IMEDIATELY a no fly zone when the attack starts. Whole zone. Ground only. Flying commences when its safe. I think a no flying situation for zones that are under attack by horde or ally would be awesome. Then after fighting subdues opens back up.