End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

That is why imo they should expand on content like Legion invasions, and BFA faction assaults. Some were easy enough to solo no prob and add more of the solo boss type ones that you pretty much needed a couple of other players around to help, if not then use group finder tool. They can have a mix in the difficulty. Didn’t like Shadowfails assaults, because they were confined to the Maw, and made the other zones pretty much useless after filling up the anima bathtub, and quest leveling.


CE/Mythic raiders are arguably smaller, if not just as small, and yet just about everything in this game seems to cater towards them.


To be fair most raiders will ignore Korthia on Alts aside from a few pieces like a weapon.

They will farm enough to start getting into mythic and mythic plus groups.

Man some of the ppl here just make me sad and remind me why I do not like a lot of ppl.

I’m sorry that Im not sorry that I do not want to spend hours a few nights a week doing raids/M+/rated pvp.

I don’t wanna spend hours with others and hearing them talk excessively over discord and progressing together. No thank you.

I want chill, fun content and a bit of challenge sometimes.

A video game does not dictate my being or self worth. This isn’t a job. This is a game for me to log in to and decompress and not deal with mean humans. And even if I was playing with nice humans, I don’t wanna do the content I mentioned.

There is nothing wrong if there is a path for solo players to progress in.



That char, achievement wise, has zero history of clearing any raids while current. Which is what I’m mocking, since the person I responded to was trying to mock mine without understanding licenses and the differences between NA/EU licenses and such. :3

Further, said person also hasn’t done M+.

I would love a list of solo content this game has that solo players can engage with on a consistent basis, has replay value, and isn’t mundane.

I’ll wait.



We do not own anything in this game and if blizz goes under, so does our stuff. Rather silly the mentality ppl have of wanting to push their agenda on what someone should do in a video game. There should be content for all.


Now there’s no way to confirm either of our opinions but I would partially disagree.

While yes the number of people that fully clear mythic raids while current tier is a small number. That doesn’t account for all the people actively raiding mythic.

There are 100s of guilds that went 5/10, 7/10, and 9/10 mythic that didn’t get CE but they are still mythic raiders.

I also don’t agree that mythic raiders are coddled too.

I honestly believe that solo players are the smallest group in the game.

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I mean… they do mythic raiding and clearly most players aren’t doing that.

I would argue there is very little in the game that cater to mythic raiders. Most of the gear and systems upgrades they want don’t drop from the mythic raid. They removed masterlooter and forced personal loot on raiders, which makes hardcore gearing substantially more difficult. They refuse to sync the resets for race to world first. Other than having mythic raiding, what quality of life change have they done to make specifically mythic raider’s lives better in the last 3 expansions? I honestly can’t think of anything. The upgrade systems in the game like azerite armor and conduits have in fact been dubbed the “mythic tax” by some hardcore players.

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Please see my comment above.

I mean if what they said about just coming back is true I wouldn’t spend time farming anything this close to patch.

I don’t really understand why you would bother having US and EU licenses considering your characters can’t help each other, but hey as I said we are playing different games.

New raid every patch, mythic being added in the first place, the best gear always coming from mythic raids, etc… Hmm.

You’re right, I actually used to raid prior to BFA unlike yourself so I would know more about raid encounters and such~

One could argue that nerfing pvp item level in pve was catering to mythic raiders as in 9.0 grinding arena was pretty mandatory for anyone pushing progression hard core.

While I disagree with the change because I think if you do pvp and pve and grind to a xyz weapon to 1800 for upgrades it shouldn’t take an ilvl nerf.

Yeah, I mean I definitely don’t have legion AOTC achievements or anything like that.

Agree to disagree. There’s no real way to refute this as we don’t have statistics that break down the demographics for the playerbase, never mind a flat number of subscriptions.

But I will say that, even if there are 100s of guilds pushing mythic raiding, that’s still a substantially small number when compared to the amount of people playing this game.


The one you bought, given all your mythic achieves for the same raids(Even the first mythic bosses) are from 2021 and 22? You know people can see that on WCL right?


I mean there are hundreds and hundreds of guilds just on the big servers.

I don’t disagree that mythic raiders are a small group as well. I just think solo players are smaller.

I think casuals doing heoric/normal, arena and mplus make up the bulk.

Yeah, because A- everyone who gets AOTC does mythic raiding too, and B- I definitely don’t have a couple of mythic ToS achievements on the demon hunter I mained legion on alliance side dated 2017. Still haven’t explained how having an EU and a US game client is super beneficial to raiding though, which I am curious about.