End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

It literally takes a few hours to go from tier 1 to tier 6 farming the rift.

I haven’t ever gotten a daily that puts you into whatever rift you speak of, curiously.

I’ll put a cap on this now, there is no way of telling what the bulk of subs that quit were, aside from possibly Blizzard and those that put things like “lack of solo content” as their reason for quitting.

It actually is though. There’s plenty of solo stuff to do and it’s even more than usual in this expansion.

They weren’t. I think you vastly underestimate the actual true number of solo players.

Pretty sure those are more for people that raid? I don’t have much use for conduits as a solo player. :3

It’s not.

They were. :3

I’ll agree with this. However I will state that I think it was a mix of solo/casual/hardcore players and wasn’t a majority of either.

I kind of figured as much. Heaven forbid effort is involved. Don’t want to inconvenience the ‘solo-player’ experience too much.

Haha don’t want to inconvenience the ‘raid-logger player’ experience too much or ‘devalue the raid gear someone worked so hard for’ in raids that were cleared the day they came out. ;3

Well, when you want to do the bare minimum don’t be surprised that it takes longer.

Sure! Raids should indeed drop low ilvl gear that you have to continue raiding for months to upgrade, to be equal effort/time investment to get as solo/world gear.

They are on a level 50 mage with 280 achievement points. They don’t play the same game as us, no point in making them try to understand the game they aren’t playing.

And I agree with that assessment. but it is likely what happens when you try to please everyone at cost to other content. Maybe solo players just want to be able to do things, like help their server unlock areas (IoT, AQ openings, etc) or have interesting and engaging content to do (note, not saying difficult or rewards gear here).

A quote comes to mind: you can please some of the people all the time, you can please all the people some of the time, but you can’t please all the people all the time.

If you were unaware, Erythrae only has ilvl 215 and 1780 achievement points. You’re not doing very good on your own arguments since you (apparently) don’t know how game licenses work or the difference between NA and EU and non-SL accounts. To be expected of someone that thinks ‘raiding should give the best of everything and raid-loggers are the most important demographic for WoW.’

Unsurprisingly, your warrior hasn’t cleared mythic. Not even halfway. Curious, that. Going back to when I actually hardcore raided, you don’t even compare especially for dates abck then. Woops~

Even your LK raid stuff came more towards next expansion. :\ Same thing for Cata, and MoP. Odd.

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Yep, my raid progress is only in the top 10% of the player base, not the top 1%.

Yeah, I know, dingbat. My leaving isn’t going to do anything but make me feel better if 9.2 fails as SL has.

And I started this sub at the dead-end of 9.1. My guild is taking a break until 9.2, then it’s running Mythic + and farming rares to get on the AotC group.


They’re the one trying to compare you to somehow being a ‘raider’ when you’re not, not me. :3 They brought up my level and achievement, while trying to talk down.

Because you did NONE of the things you suggested to me? Korthia drops 233 gear, amirite? Not even 233 ilvl yet talking about how quick and easy it is to get Korthia gear… When it’s even easier to get gear from raids(which you also don’t have)

Why would I consider you a raider? You did LFR.

Go argue with them, they’re the one that pointed at this character as some determination of your skill while looking at you at somehow being ‘better’.

My excuse for what, exactly? That my US license doesn’t even have slands? That you couldn’t get me to do Korthia if it dropped 300 ilvl gear? (Ok, maybe you could for a little while but not sure how long) That you couldn’t get me to raid in the current environment with 4 different difficulties and ilvl bloat?

I am a raider. I don’t know why you’d think otherwise.

I’m not in a rush to get 233 gear? 9.2 is around the corner. I’ll be shedding this gear in two, maybe three weeks?

You clearly had more time in 9.1 than I did, so what’s your excuse?

Ha. Hahahaha. Coming from a player that insults others constantly.


The thing to me is that the devs have to answer for a bottom line. By then not catering to solos makes me beleive that solos are one of the smallest groups playing the game if not the smallest.