End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

BFA was pretty good as a solo player. Didn’t feel like I had to do stuff like lfr or mythics. The world quests were more fun. I miss those kill the rare world quests, they always spawned in good times and were like mini bosses. The turtle dailies were nice when it wasn’t the slow walking turtles. The assaults were nice enough. Visions of N’zoth was nice solo content I could progress through. Warfronts were easy enough to do and pug.

The bad thing was probably the azerite essences being tied to different forms of content. I was pugging the azshara raid at one point just for the essence.

I was able to solo up to like mythic night hold back in BFA. Right now it’s just Mythic Antorus and the Eonar fight is a bit hard to do. Repair bills are like 200 gold a loss… that fight could use a qol touch to make it more solo friendly.

From shadowlands to bfa, we got worse and it got harder to do stuff like Mythic night hold, that was a big time where we had negative solo progression with the level squish and removal of borrowed power. I really felt like solo progression was largely ignored for a good while in favor of group content.

BFA the story wasn’t also mandatory to access power progression. Shadowlands suffers from being to story dependent. In BFA the most story you had to do was unlock the new zones and cloak, that was awful but Shadowlands took it a whole lot further with the forced campaigns for soulbinds on alts.


The majority of the player base will be super devastated that they’ll never know you even left.

It might just depend on how fun/interesting/etc that all the extras (or, to put it another way, anything that elitists like Snozh and Erythrae would complain about being “forced to do” if such had rewards ties to player power).

The content for solo players is there, it just comes down to how it is executed at this point, good execution will retain players, bad will drive them to quit.

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What was that? I can’t hear you over the entry-level difficulty that you seem to be struggling with. Nerf the Mage Tower? Nerf the Ordos Sanctuary requirements for Timeless Isle? Nerf Censer?

Oh, I’m sorry. This elitist is reading from the wrong whinge script. I’m reading to what happened when ‘solo players’ wanted difficult content.

This is like saying, “fat people can never be old no matter how much they age because they’re never not being fat.”

If you have two things, and the definition of one does not categorically exclude the other, then overlap is possible.

If I play solo for 1 hour a month, I am a casual player, because casual by your definition is ONLY a measure of time played and does not take any other factors into consideration. If I play by myself for that hour, I am also a solo player. Thus making me, a “casual solo player.”

The idiots that complained about content being too hard are the second set, along with elitist idiots like you, that need to shut the F up and have your eyes forced open.

Ones like me though the MT TW was possibly over tuned but after a few tries, and adjustments by Blizzard I found it to be about right, not a cakewalk but something that, given enough practice. anyone can over come. For me, challenging content is something I can set the goal to overcome, with things like the MT that means overcome SOLO. Hell, I’d be happy if in addition to the flawless achievements for Torghast. if there was one for doing all of those solo, reward: cosmetic jailer/elite jailer servant transmog

Once again, you have proven yourself to be an elitist idiot who is blinded by their own bias and can’t recognize one SIMPLE FACT: no set of players, be they solo, group, M+ runner, raiders, PvPers, RPers, etc is of one mind on everything.

Will there be dingbats that complain about difficulty? yes, but outside of being over tuned or bugged, the bulk of the player base should be able to do it in time.

The thing is, reading or hearing a complaint from a solo player and thinking that they speak for all solo players would be akin to me having one bad experience with a CE player and thinking they are all scum, when others might be the kindest, most laid back players in the game.


No it’s not.

A better analogy would be

Solo players are cars

Casual players are trucks/vans

It doesn’t matter how long you play solo for. If you play solo at all you’re a solo player.

I’m sure you would come off as a little more genuine if you weren’t so hostile.

Then stop insisting that there’s nothing for solo players to do when current retail is the most accommodating towards solo play in its history.

Your opinion does not match reality.

this kid of a :clown_face: cant let it go

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It’s not, subs prove that in the first place.

It really is. Korthia has basically made Normal Raiding obsolete just from its upgrade system. BoA tokens drop from mobs and chests like candy, conduit upgrades are constant, and there’s even another catch-up system underneath that.

Current retail has been more accommodating to solo play than ever before.

Not really unless you can get to normal raid gear with the same amount of time it takes to clear a normal raid. Hint: You can’t, I can have done dailies in korthia for weeks and not have decent ilvl gear.

BoA tokens are not normal raid level gear now are they? Nope.

Ooh, more upgrading items you already unlocked. Much rewarding.

Which, exactly?

I still feel Classic is more accommodating to solo play than retail, right up until they added boosts and everything else.

I really don’t see how sub-count proves anything of the sort. Sub-count is a lot easier to relate to no new content for 7 months after no new content for about 7 months than it is solo content in particular being terrible. I find Korthia to be a bit boring, thought that might be because I have been doing some slight variation of the same quests for 15 years.

Even if I also do group content?

What if I play solo 30 hours a week, and raid Mythic 6 hours a week?

Am I solo player? A casual Mythic raider? Both? Neither?

I am normally not hostile, but I don’t suffer fools/clowns well.

Then maybe read and comprehend what is being said, in your one response to me, I even admitted the solo content is there, but it is how it is executed that will determine how it is received.

Ones like you are so focused on there being content to do, you are blind to the argument it is there, but no one enjoys it. To put it bluntly, you=be happy solo players are getting anything, solo players=yeah, we are getting content, but it is so uninteresting and feels so bad (this could be due to the fact that in the past the server had to work to unlock things and the world was relevant)

My argument has shifted from solo players having nothing to do to the quality of said content being questionable and based more on execution.


Upgrade it. Normal raid gear is 226, you can upgrade Korthia armaments to 233.

You can upgrade them straight to LFR quality 213 gear. Do you even play the game?

The anima vendor at the flight path, giving you all conduits at 200 ilvl for 500g.

Then how do you look at yourself in the mirror?

How is it any different from the other solo player hubs? Isle of Quel’Danas? The stupid argent tournament? Timeless Isle? Broken Shore?

Trick question, there isn’t, but yet there’s even MORE for solo players to do in Shadowlands.

The honest truth

If you can’t even handle group content, you wouldn’t be able to do solo content.

You want solo content because you aren’t good enough for group content that gives the best rewards.

You are attempting to justify solo content when it would just put you back into the same exact position you are in now. Bad gear and no friends. News flash if they do add solo content it is going to be challenging and you will just complain it’s to hard.

Complaining and whining until the bar is lowered, it is a never ending cycle of those who can’t compete.

“O I don’t have time”

Then you wouldn’t have time for solo content either.

The mental gymnastics from the average forum user is astounding.

I can’t do that, despite weeks of dailies I haven’t hit the ‘tier’ to unlock upgrades that high. Curious, isn’t it? I guess you’re right though, raid gear should start at ilvl 200 and upgrade through months of work in raids.

Maybe raid gear could be even lower ilvl outside of raids, too.

It is.

If you think the majority of subs that quit were solo players then I have a beach in Dakota to sell you.

It’s not.

They were. :3