End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

You’re wrong. The expansions that did well had a lot of things to do and not a year in between raid tiers. They didn’t have horrible Korthia like zones and I’m sure Zerith Mortis will be exactly the same. I don’t want any of that garbage in the game and if they do put it in you shouldn’t be forced to do it.

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They also had guilds that had members that were solo players that gathered mats, if they were out in the world doing that anyway, why not make more content for them to do?

And let us not forget things that took the server to unlock, like IoT in MoP.

The best expansions did have things for all to do, Korthia is just the bottom of the barrel there.

Better examples would be:
Argent Tournament
Molten Front
Timeless Isle
Class Campaigns

The game might not need more solo content, but it does need such that is better designed, I.E. make the world matter again.


ME! I’m the “grey parsing hunter”. I think he likes me because he’s mentioned me a bunch of times since I figured out what he was, lol.

Yeah if you think this was solely because of SL and not the other load of legal stuff that went down in Blizzard I’d like whatever you’re smoking.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. I too would like some of that because the very thought that players cared about legal matters going on at Blizzard is definitely a trippy idea!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


The largest exodus in subs happened within a few months after SL launched, before the harassment claims were widely known by the public.

I do think that players care somewhat, but sadly the WoW addiction is so real that it didn’t heavily influence the remaining players’ decisions to leave or stay. And those who were fed up with SL rewards systems had already left.

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ALL of this. I’ve been asked and keep seeing the question “Why play an MMO if you want to play solo, why don’t you just go play Skyrim?”

I have to add that Shadowlands nearly has me not even logging in anymore. IMO, it is the absolutely worst expansion EVER for playability. OMG it’s mindless, boring and time consuming. This is the first time since I began playing the game that I’ve had a hard time playing. I felt like I should mention that for all the people who will check my profile and try to say I don’t play so I don’t have a right to an opinion.

I do play Skyrim and I enjoy it. I don’t love it though. I don’t plan out what I want to accomplish next time I play Skyrim while I’m making dinner. People talk about how WoW is “dead”. Even at it’s worst, the WoW open world is much more alive than Skyrim can ever be. That is because it’s an MMO. MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE. The world is ever-changing because it’s full of real people. NPC’s, no matter how elaborate their character/dialogue etc are, they are still static and predictable. Even if you are doing that mindless grind day after day, in exactly the same order, you will NEVER have the same experience twice in an MMO.

WoW used to have a magic to it, that I don’t feel anymore. I hear the question “WoW has never had any solo content why do you expect it now?”. There was crafting, fishing, collecting, farming and probably some I’ve missed. None of those activities were over the top fun, but they didn’t have to be because it just felt good to be in Azeroth. For me, it’s that simple.

So if the magic is gone, they need to give me something to replace it with. Without some SERIOUS magic tricking me into spending tens of thousand’s of gold to craft ONE item one hundred times to level it to the max where it finally becomes relevant, I’m not in. I’m also not farming the mats to make said item 100 times because the materials list is steep and it would literally take the entire xpac to max out all the recipes. That’s gonna take an extra dose of magic.

I know lots of you disagree, but mythic level raiders are CERTAINLY the minority and you would have to provide evidence that normal/heroic/m+'ers aren’t as well if you want to convince me otherwise. Let’s be generous and say that 50% of players do end game content. That means you still have MILLIONS of players that DON’T. Blizzard needs to start “catering to solo’s” like me, or they ARE gonna keep losing subs.

WoW is 17 years old, people don’t play games the way they used to, people have more choice in entertainment selection than they did 17 years ago, people have less time to sit for hours and hours wiping in raids than they used to because they all have 2-3 jobs just to try and make ends meet in the real world. The anonymity the internet provides is a gift and curse. It allows socially awkward and/or shy people a tiny bump of confidence to engage with other people with a quick escape route if it goes south. On the other hand it makes some people insensitive to other people’s emotions, situations and feelings altogether making it easy for them to become “toxic”. No-one wants to spend their limited entertainment time dealing with these people in group content, and there’s a LOT of them. This wasn’t nearly the same problem 17 years ago as it is today. Times change and EVERYTHING, including WoW needs to evolve and adapt or die out.

I don’t want WoW to die which is why I am asking for and advocating for solo end game progressive content. I’m NOT ASKING FOR FREE GEAR. I’m asking for an engaging and challenging way to obtain it in a solo environment.


If people abandon content, doesn’t that mean it was bad content or at least no longer engaging? Yeah the creators wasted their efforts because they did a terrible job of either figuring out what their player base wants or
they failed to execute creation and design in a way that players enjoy interacting with it.


Solo friendly doesn’t equal fun or engaging or challenging.


But it does. The game is much more playable solo than it ever was before.

So you think the same dailies, the same unchanging world, etc. is fun, engaging or challenging?

Get real, IoT was solo content that had the server work towards a goal, Timeless Isle had a lot of interesting mechanics to get around and find things with.

Solo friendly might as well mean “mindless content that any one can do blindfolded”.

The gear is an issue, the biggest issue however is solo content is a snooze fest that once people are don with, they quit. I mean I am heroic/M+ geared. where is my challenging solo content (aside from Mage Tower) I can do for achievements and cosmetics when I am done with the chores and guild is not raiding?


If you’re not doing any form of PvP content, sure. I used to be able to acquire decent gear on my own for PvP, but SL took that option away.

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Way more. Agreed.

Because we all pay the same subscription as you and are entitled to voice our discontent with current gearing progression.

If that bothers you, kindly remove yourself from the thread.

Or stay so I can ridicule you. I benefit either way.


There a difference in solo and grouping,one takes time to gear up the other doesn’t ,each plays to a certain section of the players base. Solo are controlled designed over time progressions. Grouping has none but timegating in order to control their flow ,each one should have a progression path on their own because they have different objectives.

As for skips between flowing into the other such as solo -raids ,well that one now is messed up as people skip content such as lfr and normal dungeons that most soloers would do by doing mythic+. To the point,I know people would say,“well, they can do it too” that is not always the case due to other matter beside the game and more toward person problems on four fronts ,psychologically,physical problems ,family and work.

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If you think this happened because of lack of solo play, you’re delusional. If anything, SL had more solo play elements in it than BFA did. In the first few months, even the cov campaigns weren’t over.

The only reason why they weren’t done has nothing to do with the length. It has everything to do with timegating.

Realistically, the campaigns are only 2-3 hours, if even.


SL did have solo play elements through the covenants, but each of the covenant minigames had issues and didn’t provide very engaging gameplay throughout the week.

Kyrian Path of Ascension was so overtuned that the only effective strategy was to exploit bugs.

The chance of Necrolord appearances being awarded from Abomination Factory weekly quests or Unity world quests was extremely low, leading to cosmetic rewards being locked behind extreme RNG and timegating.

The Night Fae Conservatory simply involved planting seeds, and the Divine seeds only rarely were rewarded from certain weekly quests, leading to the best rewards being locked behind extreme RNG and timegating.

The Venthyr Ember Court required you to run many errands to invite guests each week, and it took many months of repetitive gameplay to max out rep on each guest.

SL world quests were designed to take longer, were lacking in variety, and did not provide useful gear rewards. BfA and Legion world quests and emissaries were much more rewarding, and could be done in quick succession.

Yes, the covenant campaigns were just time-gated filler quests to keep people subbed for the first few months.


I solo play as well, and for me I’ve come to a point where there isn’t enough to do, I just make alts play for a minute then delete them to make new ones. there’s nothing for me to really do. There’s no goal that I want to work for, not even flying anymore because it’s all so timegated, that’s it’s become ridiculous. what we have a year to do the same world quests everyday that give us absolutely nothing? no thanks.

I would love events that come once a week/month that are available to us to progress us and perhaps drop some decent gear/items for my crafting, perhaps they can be located in different places other than just current content.

also, i like to just collect things as I go, maybe not high content stuff, but i love pets, tmog stuff. they could give us trash gear for all i care, but as long as it’s something different I wouldn’t mind at all, cosmetic stuff, you know that we could tmog with, doesn’t have to be grand, just fun, or funny. i know we get stuff on events, like hallows eve, and other holidays, but this could be just general silly stuff. “hey you beat hogger, here’s a pig skeleton for a crown” or you beat van cleef, here’s a pet ship, it blows a horn when you take it of your bags. sillyness.

we don’t really get toys anymore, and those are fun. just crazy things that are randomly available.

I would be okay with a few more things to do, it doesn’t have to be big, or massive, just something, and some silly no meaning not overly fantastic rewards to keep my interest going.

as of right now, there’s just not alot going on that is fun for me. :confused:


As a solo player, BFA was fun for me. I never got bored. Always had things to do and rewards were reasonable. Then SL came along. What a let down. Same with Korthia. What ever happened to the good developers? If 9.2 doesn’t get a lot better I will move on and leave WOW behind. Like Blizz cares.