End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I will say I think I remember him/her saying they had medical issues that could cause them to not be able to solo a rare. However even in full bis that probably wouldn’t change.

But it’s true?

Who woulda thought playing mostly solo and wanting something to do solo in the game and maybe getting some gear would upset others so much?! :bowing_woman:


Says only you.

And you can get gear. It’s just not group ilvl gear.

so when i play other games im pretending lol. guess everyone is pretending too. its so funny you think you know what you are talking about. :clown_face:

There is certainly a difference between casual and solo. But we can’t really pinpoint that difference in Shadowlands right now because both groups have been intentionally disenfranchised, and left with nothing but low item levels due to the new game development insistence on the three pillars.

I would never want to take away anyone else’s progression. And I do think that improvements need to be made to competitive PvE gearing, such as replacing the Great Vault with a gear vendor, even though I may never participate in such a system myself.

Yet somehow, elitist players want to take away my progression, like it somehow devalues theirs, even though my progression would be slower and have a lower ceiling.

Elitists players had a role in the making of this disaster of an expac, but the biggest blame lies on the devs. I would blame the foolish overindulgent parent more than the spoiled child.


Probably because you don’t look at the big picture and see the issues it would cause as well as gear should be rewarded based on difficulty.

Here’s a hypothetical for you.

Say in 9.2 torghast did give mythic level raid gear. You do realize it would be hard to the point that 95% of solo players wouldn’t be able to do it.

You have once again proven yourself to be an idiot. Solo players WANT progression ON THERI TERMS.

If you think you know better, what is the difference between these 2 things:
One who is solo but jumps in on a group killing a rare/rare elite, but does not join them so they can get heals or anythign
One who makes a group for that same rare/rare elite and downs it

And with that, all you say is null and void to anyone with a working brain. Rares might be easy, but rare elites, unless you are a tank (and sometimes even if you are) unless you are super geared (heroic raid/M+ gear) or play perfectly you ain’t soloing those. Some classes might not need as much, some might need more.

Only elitist :clown_face: call others bad if they can’t do something.

Maybe they are disabled, maybe they get distracted easily, can you reallysay for sure for everyone?

This can be akin to saying “we don’t have food?” “well, we do, but it is airline/school/etc food”

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Yes, I realize that. And at times I have. That’s when I’m bored and want to stand there for a good amount of time to do so.

Oops, sorry. That’s the one I meant requiring 5 or more players to take down.

Okay. I picked my battle music and have a bowl of popcorn. Let’s do this.

So then you don’t NEED higher ilvl because you can already do it.

Uh no. Casual players can still progress through M+ and Raiding.

No, it’s just a massive waste of time when there are already gearing paths (plural) for progression.

The former is sponging the latter is participating.

It might seem that way… to a bad player.

You’ve been insulting me nonstop. Please spare me the morality from Mr. Solo Player.

Did I say I wanted higher ilvl gear? I don’t think so. I believe I’ve said to have decent ilvl gear. Didn’t I say something along the line of like 240 to 245 gear? Wishful thinking on my part.

I just solo’d Conjured Death in the Maw with the worst spec in the game in my Korthia Gear.

Either I’m actually a wizard, or one of us is lying.

Edit: And I got a Korthia Armament BoA, lul. Solo players have it SO hard.

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What would you say should be the right ending ilevel for your progression and how long should it take?

Just to clarify are you asking for 240-245 gear in the current patch or in 9.2?

It literally cracks me up how they take the high and mighty route and then do the same stuff they get mad at you about :joy:

Horrific visions allowed you to get one piece of gear a week of different ilvl tiers depending on how many bosses and masks you did.

I wouldn’t mind a system like that for torgast. The highest difficulty awarding max valor cap loot of the season.

RN you just pug mythics and have to deal with pugs.

Solo instances were nice because everything fell on you and it was your own mistakes that dictated your progress. And you got gear to help you on future runs.

The closest thing to that is pugging mythics with great vault loot. I wouldnt have minded torgast giving you a solo option for great vault loot. Instead its just doing premade group content.

Its nice sometimes but its bad sometimes. At least solo you dont have to wait to get a group going, or have to deal with group drama.