End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I have already explained how you can’t be solo and casual. If you’re solo you’re just solo whether you’re solo for 2 hours or 20 hours a week.


Because the sign of legitimate argument is to turn purple in the face from screeching for everyone not to believe their lying eyes.

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lol and you can still be solo/casual player its not a new thing at all. its literally not impossible to be one. you explained nothing at all :clown_face:

And here is where all of your arguments miss any validity.

You honestly think most casual players rely on the catch up mechanics as a primary gear path.

The only players that rely on catch up mechanics from Korthia or ZM as primary gearing are SOLO players. Casuals actually do more content than that.

You can’t be a solo casual player because casual players don’t limit themselves to only solo content.

Solo players do hence why they can’t be both.

Feel free to continue being a broken record.

yes they can tho i do it in other games all the time. nothing is stopping me or anyone else from being both. you cant explain why you cant be both. you are the broken record going in circles with zero explanation. :clown_face:

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Literally the definition of solo actually does.

Literally an explanation right here.

You’re solo players. All you do is open world and ‘legacy’ raiding.

You keep chaining casuals to solo players.

All solo players are casual. But most casual players are not solo players. Casual players want to progress as much as hobbyists, but on their own relaxed time.

YOU are solo player. YOU hit an artificial brick wall of your own making and cry to the forums that the mean, nasty players who actually WANT progression are picking on you.

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you said someone cant be both yet i can go play swtor and gw2 and be solo/casual player.

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exactly this you can be both

By your definition, even a Mythic raider can be casual, so of course you think the world content gear is just for catching up.

Go out into Oribos, your covenant sanctum, cities, random Heroic dungeons, LFR, random battlegrounds, or anywhere and start inspecting random max-level toons.

I guarantee that you will see a lot of players in Korthia 220/226/233 gear. World content gear is BiS for a huge portion of the playerbase by default because they don’t do M+, raids, or rated PvP.


But they’re the minority.

Technically this is incorrect. It is end of the patch, and most players are getting their alts semi-ready.


yeah but people think you cant be both for some weird reason

You can’t but keep thinking it is.

It’s on little buddy. You’re special!

Ha, take down a Rare as a Solo player. Notice I didn’t say “PLAYERS”. It takes 5 or many more to take down a Rare in the Out World of Korthia. Oh, wait…that means a group! Well I’ll be. MMO = Group. No actually MMO means playing with others, nothing about groups. That’s just something made up by the chest pounding Elites. And…some players can’t physically play M+, raids or dungeons. Are they to be locked out of WOW? So, like me, I play solo and have fun doing it…until SL/Korthia that is. If 9.2 isn’t any better than SL, I’m outta here.


No it doesn’t. It takes four or 5 bad players to kill a rare. I was doing it on my hunter and Druid in 200 blues.

As a paladin you literally have the tools to
Never ever die.

See I wasn’t going to point this out, but the rares only require a group if you’re bad.

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sure :clown_face: . keep thinking you cant be both when people literally are. your saying i dont play gw2 or swtor or any other game as a solo/casual player or others dont. solo/casual players is a real thing. just cuz you cant accept it doesnt make it impossible.

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It’s not a thing. Solo and casual
Is something solo players use to pretend to be casuals.

It’s ok though. You do you.

Oh, give me a break. And you must be some kind of a special player that can take down anyone or anything. You and your ilk (Snozh) thinks you are the cat’s meow. Keep pounding on your chest.

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