End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Hey you are that Orc Hunter who trolls the forums. Don’t I see you in like every thread, spewing some crap causing drama?


Casual is only a metric of time.

You clearly either didn’t read the post or can’t comprehend the post. Which is why you have to resort to insults.

I’m not linking you proof because it’s literally a waste of time for me to link you something you won’t be able to understand.

Nah. I post my opinions on the forums and people tend to get upset because they don’t agree with them. I also raid at a mythic level which seems to really trigger the solo players in this forum.

I actually respond to people the way they respond to me.

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you cant proof it cuz you are a :clown_face: . casual has many meanings like it always has not just one :clown_face: . its literally not impossible to be a solo/casual player :clown_face: .


Casual does have many meanings. SOLO does not. Maybe one day you will actually understand that.

And the same insult again.

I bet you watch Ben Shapiro for fun.

what a true :clown_face:. now going for solo huh. changing it up. what a joke you are

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A lot of those MMOs have lost a significant portion of their playerbase. Look at New World. It’s down to 5% of its launch population after a few months.

WoWs been using the same formula since it’s existence.

New World has loads of other issues, solo content being the least of them.

But even if we were to assume that solo content was the problem, I can direct you to FFXIV, a game that’s primarily solo-focused, which has been thriving and shows no signs of its growth being slowed.

Perhaps it’s not the content that’s the issue, but how the content is designed.

And so maybe it’s time for a change?


y use many word when few word do trick

Dear lord, this is STILL going?

Look solos, you’re not going to get better gear. Why would developers fraction their time even more for a gear pathway that’s completely redundant?

Solo Logic: I need high item-level gear from a solo progression path to down the open world rares that can already be downed with the loot said rares drop.

Blizzard: Well, if you can already down the rares, why do you need better gear?

Solo Logic: So we can down them with ease with a literal 1/5 of the effort.

Blizzard: Get out.


He is nothing but a troll full of very hot air! He knows it all, the rest know nothing, according the the Great Snozh. Ha


Laughing. Thank you.

Please, someone, list out the Solo players that say they want High Level gear. This keeps being said over and over and I never see it said by Solo players.

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I haven’t changed anything. I’m sorry that you’re struggling to comprehend what I was saying.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Ben Shapiro thug lyfe

For some heroic raid is high, but most like that one think people are asking for mythic raid lvl gear from solo content. Even I put heroic ilvl (or maybe a point between heroic and mythic) behind a patch long grind for solo players but thost that do more could use the system, think valor not limited to M+ gear, to supplement or counter bad luck.


Yes, and it will keep going until the problems with Shadowlands gearing are solved, or there are literally no players but the elitists left.

Some of the solutions proposed wouldn’t even need further content to be developed, just an addition of loot drops to pre-existing content, or a bump in iLvl for pre-existing rewards.

The gear would not just be for open world rares.

Quite possibly your most accurate claim. Either Blizzard doesn’t mind purging the WoW population of filthy casuals to give content or rewards to, or they think solo WoW players are so hopelessly addicted that they will stay for 9.2 even without a significant gear upgrade.

you arnt saying anything at all tho. nothing to comprehend from you. cuz you cant understand people can be both solo/casual player.


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Tsk tsk tsk. Resorting to insults.

Considering they haven’t in 17 years and in fact just reverted the level of gear solo players get contradict the claim that solos are the biggest group of players?