End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Yeah, this. I solo queued my way to getting some of the best gear in the game, rank 13 gear. I didn’t need to play a meta that everyone around me demanded or I get kicked. I didn’t have to play on someone else’s schedule. It was solo. And the best gear. This is what wow is to me.


Are we really talking about the leveling experience? Why are we talking about that? That has nothing to do with the solo content people… EVERYONE has to level their character. We’re talking end game. Leveling isn’t a “solo content” issue… so baffled as to why that was even brought up.

No I don’t agree that both should be catered to… the game is built around interactions and playing with other people. No one is saying you gotta be social all day everyday… or even ever, but to progress in the game you should be required to do group content. I don’t care what the past was, nor do I care what the solo only people think about it. Do the content or don’t, it’s your decision… but they should not ever receive any gear on the level of a raider.

In other mmos leveling experience was based on group also. You could not get to max level without grouping. Wow set the standards for solo base leveling.

Do you understand also, that the reason why Wow has went downhill is because they don’t catered to both? If you look at the content other mmos who are doing better than wow right now coming out. They cater to both style players, and both sides are happy.

Raiding and Dungeons are not the only thing that matters in mmo. That has been a case for a long time. Numbers don’t lie, and when wow started focus on mostly group content. What has happen to the game?


I don’t care what other MMOs do… and why are we still talking about leveling.

Do we have proof that they’re doing better? FF14 is trash, GW2 is solid, SWTOR has the best leveling experience. I’m for both sides being happy, but not at the expense of the content they put the majority of their effort into… aka group content.

Again, stop making assumptions. I didn’t say that’s the only thing that matters… I just don’t think solo only players should receive that top level gear. Period. Why is this difficult to understand?

Numbers don’t lie? Provide them.

Do we have proof? I mean besides at one point had so many players that the servers could not handle it? The fact they are able to compete with wow in the first place shows just how mis manage wow has been.

So let me ask you this. If solo players should not get top end game. Does that mean that top end gear matters more than what you are saying? It is the most thrown away in the game. So tell me why something that we dispose of each patch matters so much?

I’m just curious. Power should not be the carrot we all chase should it?

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I have played since Vanilla and that is false.

The game has always been focused on questing. Always.

It still is.

Raids are nothing more than another place where quests happen.

Yes, raiding is how you get high-level gear that you only need for raiding. That’s a perfect example of a niche activity, which is precisely what it is and always has been.

Questing is the point and purpose of World of WarCraft, and if you haven’t gotten the Loremaster achievement, you haven’t played the game.


Solo only players should not receive high end gear without doing the high end content.

Invalidating all the people that do any content to sate the needs of the solo only crowd and I really wish there was a way to see how population plays the game.

It’s called time passed other MMOs have caught up and cater to different crowds… specific types of players play different types of games, where they can play the way THEY want.

That use to be what wow was. Even the team who made final fantasy said they use wow as a rough draft. That Blizzard always set the standard and kept being solo friendly. Blizzard lost what made them what they are, and another company took it away from them.

Again power should not be the reason you raid. It should be for transmog, mounts, and fastest way to get power. The power itself means very little. When I raid in other mmos. It is not about the power or best gear. it is because I want the cool look or mount. That matters more in the long term than power itself.

It is a win/win for raiders and soloers. It should be something you want also. Taking away the heavy focus of power from raidings and putting it on art and speed. Solo players able to get just as strong all be it longer. That will do more for the long term health of the game than having raiding be the best way to gain power.

If raiding does not get with the times, it will keep dying out.

Wow has forus things going for it. Its gameplay, its solo friendly, its art team and its creative use of ideas.

If they don’t figure out a way to make soloers feel rewarded and worth time invested. I fear for the future after dragonflight. The problem with power in a mmo is. It gets really old always tossing them away. Each expansion is a reset in power, and overall that is fine, but how fast we toss said power away because it makes your time have less value if you are only strong for a set amount of time. That is why power is a means to an end. That is why transmog will always be the true end game for people as it is a reward that last forever. How you get power, and time invested vs reward. All these things matter and Blizzard has been failing on.

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In the current ilvl setups casual players should be able to get low/mid mythic ilvl doing just casual content stuff. It just makes you feel good killing those world mobs a bit faster.

Gating ilvl is the dumbest thing ever. People pretending that if others have their ilvl they they will never be able to prove their own superiority. Except that achievements, transmogs and mounts will do it.

Imo the mythic ilvl should be removed. Each season should have at most 1 or 2 ilvl tiers, and the hardest stuff in he game should reward cosmetics.

Don’t gate content with ilvl, let players quickly start to and equal playing field, then let skill and dedication (or with this community - RMT or token boosts) do the rest

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Was what? What was WOW? They’ve always focused on group content as the priority.

Why shouldn’t power be a reason to raid? Power means very little? You’re entitled to believe whatever you want… but many players raid for power, there is no should or should not in that. People play how they want and for their own reasoning.

Not at all. Don’t tell me what I should want… I want solo players to shut up and just play the game, if they don’t like the content available to what they wanna do… others games are available, maybe WOW isn’t for you. You seem to really wanna make WOW into something else. I don’t. I want WOW to be WOW not FF14.


Just mail people gear at that point, just like beta.

Should gearing be a part of this game?

World quest, Titan Forging, Tokens, Mage tower. Things that made soloers happy. Able to get a powerful equipment by doing dailies. Are you ignoring the history of wow?

Because if power matter so much. We would not be tossing it out. Why do you think transmogs is the true end game for most players? It is because it is not something you get rid of.

Sounds like you want wow to keep dying. shrugs no skin off my nose. If wow keeps on failing, I will still get enjoyment watching this train wreck, but people like you need to get with the times. We will not shut up.

Your raiding scene is not looking good, watching streamers complain about finding players, and guilds dying out.

Raiders don’t matter anymore in mmos, and your way of thinking is not going to do this business any good. Power is not enough to get people wanting to raid. How many times has that got proven?


Lol, what? Titan forging? Tokens? What do they have to do with world quests and mage tower? I don’t agree that they should give gear, have you not been listening? What do they have to do with group content which is still and always has been their focus… I think I have to start speaking in another language… you’re all over the place, find some focus.

It’s YOUR end game. You don’t speak for anyone but YOU.

Because you have trouble comprehending what I’ve said… nothing to do with not wanting solo content, but you’re so focused on your own narrative you ignore anything I’ve said.

It’s the end of an expansion, with a new expansion in 3-4 weeks… you’re really reaching.

If raiding doesn’t matter in MMOs, why does EVERY SINGLE POPULAR MMO HAVE RAIDS in it and why is it usually considered the PEAK of content in most MMOs? Are you gonna give me another delusional non-answer?

I don’t think many people care about transmog. They might care for one weapon sometimes. Entire outfit? nah.

There should be a Timewalking Faction that tracks your progress through achievements. Once you unlock something, let’s say you clear Heroic on the current raid tier, you get a set of gear that is account bound, that works with any class, that you can send to your alts that will be equal to a full set of heroic gear. You only get this after earning the achievement on your main. If you got this from a raiding achievement, you can’t use it inside pvp to outgear others, same with pvp to pve. If there are set effects on your gear, it’ll activate when you raid. That way they could focus on one set for TW content, Mage Tower, and open world and wouldn’t need to balance around so many systems.

Not sold on templates for everyone and everything.

…I mean during the time when soloers could get powerful gear, it was still top mmo. You can disagree with that.

True, and the countless other mmos who sees the same thing, and design mmos around it, doing very well. I’m sure Blizzard will learn from them. They are the masters of leeching ideas after all. Dragon Flight future depending on how well it does. I am keeping an eye on for sure.

You are ignoring what I said. Time invested vs reward. Why do you think it is hard to get people into raiding? because the value of powerful gear in a MMO means nothing if the next content patch you throw it away. It use to be fun to compete with your own guild and such, but even Group Finder has replace guilds for many players.

The numbers was not looking good even in the middle of the expansion.

Even my husband who raided in WOD said it was some of the most fun raids, but the game was hurting. Raiding and Group content can’t be the focus of a MMO. Every other MMO has learn this, and able to compete with wow because of it.

Blizzard will learn.

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You’re trolling 100%, if group content should not be the focus then why make it an MMO at all and not a single player rpg? In fact, hey there’s a couple of new single player games you could try if you don’t like group content, rather than changing a genre into something its not play the genre you prefer

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You must be new to MMOs. They are graphical version of muds.

Group content matters, but solo content as well. Having a world, a community, building a social network, trade skills, many paths to be part of said world. That has and always will be key to a good mmo.

To say that Group content and Raiding is the main focus of a MMO is the silliest thing I have seen in a long time. That is optional progression nothing more. it is not and never will be the main focus.

Even Blizzard who is doing a major overhaul of trade skills seems to understand at least that much. Even though the nerfing of world quest makes me question some things. We shall see how it works, but acting like Group play is the main focus of a mmo? That is just silly.

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Have a wonderful day dude… I had a bunch to say, but my god you’re so dense… you keep pushing the same moronic narrative and other MMOs while ignoring what I say. So the conversation is over… have fun in whatever MMO you’re playing.