End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

You’re better off not arguing with Snozh. Snozh doesn’t argue because critical thinking isn’t his strong suit, and forming an argument would require some semblance of coherent thought.


Eh, I was willing to give him a chance on his 3rd character, but it seems that his particular tiger has not changed his stripes.


I would love to be able to gear up through Torghast. Also, I doubt many people would agree, but resetting my level/quests and leveling from 1-70 for a single piece of gear is something I would happily do. Not sure why, but I’ve always enjoyed leveling. Infinitely more than dungeons and raiding.

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I just have alts for reexperiencing leveling content, but I tend to take the same routes. I have many class duplicates. Although it is nice to play with the different builds not in endgame. Which is sort of why I liked torgast. I also liked how it gave you talent points during the dungeon. I hope they bring that back if we get another torgast like system. Because it would be nice to play a solo dungeon like mode with more talents. Builds you normally wouldn’t have access to which I found really fun in torgast.

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Your first mistake was thinking.

PVP gear is lower than PVE gear and scales up which means when not in PvP it scales down. Really didnt think I needed to explain this to you.

No, because I think gear should be used in ALL content. You are the one that cant seem to grasp that any gear that scales is a system I dont like.

Ahh personal insults because you cant refute things.

Because I think your idea is terrible? Sure

Your game hasn’t changed.

Not fooling anyone.


Bloodypaws the reigning champion defends their title against snooze place your bets.

sets up free wine bar for everyone but snooze

sips :wine_glass:

you snooze you lose bwhahahaha


They’re getting PB&J but are begging for a steak sandwhich made with filet mignon. No.

You are entitled to that opinion, doesn’t make it right tho. We shouldn’t be seeing any complaints, this is a multiplayer game and expecting them to cater to a solo only experience is insanity.

Do the group content and you will be able to do this solo content… if you are only playing alone 24/7 that on you, no one else… no one is in charge of you or telling you that you HAVE to play alone, you are given a choice but you or solo players gimp themselves and then complain about it… so again, why should I show even an ounce of sympathy for these people. Plenty of games out there that cater to you… maybe wow just isn’t for the single player experience and not for you?

How about instead, you are required to do the solo content for the best gear, then you can go do the group content for not as good gear. You can have titles or something.


That sounds dumb… this isn’t a single player game, solo content should offer LFR gear at best.

Can you get anymore snotty?

Seriously, you take the cake when it comes to leetism, and your totally skewed views.

Someone like you would have been a pariah in vanilla.

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PB&J is kind of garbage so the same concept still applies. This metaphor doesn’t really hammer home the point you wanted to iterate.

If Blizzard is going to make solo content, I am going to hold them to higher standards to make good solo content.

If Blizzard doesn’t want to do solo content, then they should just stop making it altogether because having no solo content would be better than having half-assed, poorly written solo content that serves no purpose other than to waste our time.

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Well I really enjoy a good PB&J, one of my favorite sammies… it made perfect sense to me personally lol

I’m perfectly okay with more solo content and I’m also perfectly okay with the solo content we have, they shouldn’t be catered to… they shouldn’t be receiving gear that people who group up and do the harder content receive… LFR gear at the most they should receive.

This only means there should be hard solo content for the best gear.

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No, there should be levels to this… if people only wanna do solo content that’s on them, if there is to be harder solo content you should need better gear and the better gear should be locked behind harder content, which happens to be group content, this is not something I’m gonna bend on… I’m flexible most of the time with my opinions but this is something that boils my blood. I will never be able to wrap my head around people who hop on an MMO and wanna do only solo stuff. It makes no sense to me.

The best gear that should be given from purely solo content… is LFR ilvl gear, nothing more.

I think this is a silly state. Why should power that is thrown away with each content patch be so hard to get by solo players?

Solo stuff matters in mmo. That is why WOW became huge. Even in classic it was the most solo friendly game. A mmo has all types of players, and having a eco system that makes solo players be part of the world matters. Gating power behind it, has never worked, and Blizzard is the only MMO company right now that has not learn that lesson.

The biggest MMO right now is about to add a dungeon for soloers and duos, has npcs you can party with, and keeps adding play styles for soloers and group play.


Yup. If Blizzard doesn’t make this a focus, things are going to get even worse in their sub numbers.


That would be sad, Wow use to set the standards for all other mmos. The fact they are so far behind now. I just don’t get what happen.


Solo stuff matters? To a degree yes.

That’s not why WOW became huge, it became huge because it was just better than other MMOs at the time. There is no reason a solo only player shouldn’t have what a raider has… LFR at best. Solo only players aren’t really even part of the community.

Y’all keep giving off this impression that I’m against solo content, I’m not… I just don’t think solo only players should be catered to and that will NEVER change.

It was better why?

I did not have to wait hours for a group or do a camp check. I could solo level up. Something other MMOS did not have much of.

Wow has always been the most solo friendly MMO in history.

Both play styles should be cater too, most players enjoy solo play. Group content happens when players build a social network and want to enjoy doing content with friends they make in the game. Well that is what SHOULD happen, but with group finder replacing social aspect of the game.

If you don’t cater to the one thing most players do in a mmo. What future does a MMO have? Group content matters just as much as solo content.