End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Nope. I was explaining that the new loot system is a new system and the only thing that’s “old” is the name.

We aren’t friends and you are incorrect.

Many people have made Bloody the laughing stock.

The only person that’s laughed at more than Bloody is Pawzer.

So back peddling when you got caught in a lie.


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So apparently the guy who designs all the solo content I like is named Paul.

Great guy. Pretty fun content I’ve enjoyed mostly from this dev. Torghast, withered army training, brawler’s guild. All fun content I’ve liked in past expansions.

Just taking a moment to thank him and learning things about the other wow devs.

I believe these sorts of content are good and fun. Just that the rewards are lacking, some solo progression would be immensely appreciated. A soloing set would be nice with ramping difficulty rewarding higher ilvl loot!

I don’t like having to group for decent gear in WoW. But I feel it’s something I have to do to feel more powerful and enjoy the solo content better. It helped with Torgast, but I just wish we had our own gearing path that gives us benefits in past content, like in DF I hope to get good gear for soloing BFA raids.

Soloing set bonuses could be giving extra leech, stats when not in a group, extra stamina, armor, cdr on defensives.

From the interview it seems that blizzard are focused on making content more evergreen/ lasting for more then one expansions. I really enjoyed stuff like torgast and withered army training and would like to see more versions of modes like that with a solo progression system that rewards some gear we can use for world content and solo legacy content. It was nice to play with many builds in torgast, just felt really bad/unrewarding to spend a few hours in there compared to other game activities.


You not understanding the very simple statement of it’s a “new system with an old name” doesn’t mean I’m backpedaling. It just means you’re either trolling or obtuse.

So I shouldn’t trust you when you say something?

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It is a brand new system with an old name.

You clearly don’t realize the old groupmloot system was redesigned.

Or you’re just trying and failing for a “gotcha”

But it isn’t.

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There is no penalty, there is only a reward for focusing on one avenue. It can be seen as a position like a kitchen helper learning to be a pastry chef/cook. The helper can anything needed in the kitchen, but is working on a focus be the best they can possibly be at doing that one day.

The rewards can follow the same set up, as the helper works towards becoming a pastry chef, they get tools more in line with what that job will take, and some might still be good for other jobs in the kitchen.

The ones most sought after will likely be those who are decent in the general sense, but there will be times you want a specialist to do things (in the case of solo content this might be limited to testing said content) to have the best results.

But it is. It’s been redesigned and the only thing that’s the same is the name.

Besides. You don’t even play the game let alone raid.

I don’t know what wool they can pull over your eyes in California but anyone capable of thought will identify group loot as a reused system.

Not anything coming laughably close to new.

Well, I just hope that Legion and BFA raids get the legacy buff. I mean, I’m sure they won’t but still, and considering they buffed the HP of the boss by quite a bit…

Come on Ion, do it already.

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If you have gear that scales down it’s a penalty.

No matter what you say I will never be for scaling gear in specific content.


Or we can not waste dev time on something that the majority of solo players don’t want.

I don’t live in California.

Anyone that actually read how the system works know it’s not the same system.

But again you don’t play the game so continue to be the troll we all know you are.

There’s nothing wrong being wrong dude.

You’ll look less trolly yourself.

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That would require me to be wrong.

Considering I’m not.

Try using your own advice

Then no one will be taking you seriously.

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No one has ever taken you seriously so I’ll be fine.

I think you’d be wrong on that account as well.

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You can feed someone a turd and expect them to be grateful but at the end of the day you’re still feeding them a turd. Solo content exists, but its existence doesn’t necessarily satiate the concerns that have continuously plagued solo content.

Anybody who thinks solo content design is even remotely close to the same quality as group content is willfully ignorant. I’ve always said that this is at the root of any thread about solo content. Solo content is bad and hasn’t been good for quite some time. We probably wouldn’t see nearly as many complaints about it and its rewards if it were fun, but Blizzard has put forth considerable effort in turning everything solo into a chore.

Like Torghast would have been a perfect form of solo content had Blizzard actually committed to the roguelike experience instead of tying it to external player power and making it mandatory.

Dragonflight looks to be a return to form with dragonriding and an emphasis on world exploration, but timegating still exists, which I find to be utterly detrimental to the game’s quality of life. The talent trees are a decent step forward but the fact that your kit is basically your talent tree makes the tree feel less interesting, because that sense of customization quickly dissipates when you realize that you will have to build towards certain abilities.


Sorry, scales down? I don’t see gear dropping under a base ilvl for PvE content, only gear that scales up for PvP, likely because PvP is more dangerous/harder then PvE content.

I know, because you are a stubborn hardhead that that can’t seem to grasp that there should be gear that is good all around, and gear that is specialized for those that specialize, the scaling is just the most visible way of doing that, no one said that the gear does not have to scale but could instead be bonuses that are active only in said content, think the ZM gear as the example here.