End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

You do realize raiding has had their loot drops reduced right?

LOL. No. Aside from a single patch has blizzard ever awarded players better than normal raid gear. You can’t have things taken you never got to begin with.

So, if they want a mythic equivalent gear, that only reaches that level IN SPECIFIC CONTENT, they should do content they are not interested in, for the content they want to focus on, that provides sufficient gear for all other content?

To put it in simple terms, the idea would be:
Torghast set:
World ilvl: normal raid max
Torgghast ilvl: normal raid ilvl base
4 piece bonus: ilvl raised to heroic while in Torghast, world ilvl remains the same
8 piece bonus: ilvl raised to low mythic while in torghast, world ilvl remains the same

The world ilvl has the hard cap at normal raid, good enough for world content, but for those that focus on Torghast (or equivalent) they get a sense of progression that is active only in the content they do.

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Not really the point that matters here dude, what matters is that the reward systems are too stringent and if you don’t make something like better than Normal raid gear look obtainable through other means than pointless raiding or key stoning then DF will flop.

There is no I in MMORPG. Warcraft was intended to be more than a purely instanced based experience.


No. I think gear scaling down outside of x content is dumb. I dislike that pvp gear does it. Gear should just be gear.

Again no.

Again no.

This game is a raiding game.

If you choose not to raid in a game that’s based on raiding then that is fine but it’s your choice.

The devs are never going to award high ilvl gear for solo content.

It’s not going to happen.

It’s never happened in this game outside of the final patch of Nyalotha.

You realize the I would be solo players right?

It is not and it shouldn’t be.

Someone is going to have to remind you and Ion of that the hard way it seems.


It is. It has always been.

The game has always had raiding as the main focus of the game.

Maybe one day you will actually educate yourself instead of trying to turn games into something they have never been.

Perhaps one day you’ll see a WoW where Ion isn’t running it into the ground with his experiments.


sets up free wine table

this is going to last awhile folks get your free wine here while Bloodypaws once again destroys snooze.

sips :wine_glass:


I have played since BC. The game has always been focused on raiding even before ION.

And yes ION is running the game into the ground by trying to appease solo players and should honestly just ignore them as they will never be happy.

That wine is going to your head considering Bloody has never beat me let alone destroy me :joy:

As long as you remained fixated on your boogeyman then you’ll find no rest on these forums.

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I don’t have a problem with solo players.

As long as you continue to troll and make up things you’ll continue to be the laughing stock of the forum.

I wouldn’t be looking to point fingers when your reputation is significantly worse than mine.


You’re assumptions of solo/casual players are FALSE Snozay.
I’ve never EVER known any casual, or solo player, including myself who wanted your kind of gear.
Not interested whatsoever, nor am I interested in the high end gear you ELITES sell on the AH.
And yes, I’ve done progression raiding and I’ve earned great gear at the time. But I didn’t end up being an elite butthole about it by chastising solo/casual players ever.


Some would say it scales up in x content, after all, the gear goes up in PvP, and returns to a base when outside of it.

One reason for the different ilvls in PvP is to limit how much people feel they need to farm PvP gear for raids and the like, as the gear from raids, M+, etc will almost always be better for dungeons and raids, where as PvP gear will be king most of the time for PvP. So if you want to talk about being dumb, I’d say failing to realize that the ilvl set up is to benefit raiders/M+ runners that don’t like PvP is pretty dumb.

The game might be made for those that do many forms of content, but at the same time there are many that find one thing they like and stick with it. So, in that case, should it not be possible to do such if one chooses, and as a result be the same level as others as a base for world content, yet able to smash in their chosen content while those that do multiple forms are able to switch lanes as often as they like without needing to farm multiple sets?

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I mean feel free to be delusional.

The fact you keep feeling the need to repeat means you don’t even believe itnyourself :joy:

Weren’t you trying to convince people that Group Loot was new a few days ago?

Snooze my friend Bloodypaws already made you the laughing stock of the forums.

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No matter how you word it it’s still stupid. People shouldn’t be penalized for playing multiple avenues of the game.

I know why it’s done. I still don’t agree with it. And this is coming from someone that had to farm the one minute on use trinket in BFA for fire.

If someone chooses to limit themselves to one faucet of the game that’s fine. But you don’t get to complain about your gear ilvl when you do that.

I don’t like gear changing depending on content. If you get a piece of gear it should work the same in any content.

So funny when someone I have on ignore tries to reply to me I don’t see their drivel.

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