End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

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Devs can keep adding as many layers to the endgame grind as they like but it’s another thing entirely to not make it seem like an endless chore or anything close to something resembling fun.

Shadowlands starved players of rewards outside of anything that didn’t involve running at the wall of grouping in M+ or raiding.

They seriously need to reign Ion back cause his direction doesn’t suit everyone who plays WoW and sadly it looks like it’ll be too late again for DF.


Yeah, but this is Eleusia, so if the content doesn’t drop gear it’s not content to them.

I mostly just want fun events. So many more holidays and things like throughout the year.

And for the love of something update them yearly!! :pleading_face:

No they didn’t. Solo content rewards are things like mounts.

Shadowlands I believe added the most mounts in the history of the game. Brews can confirm that as I think he’s a completionist.

Solo players have gotten more rewards under Ion. No matter what you think you’re not going to ever get better than normal raid gear from solo content.

Then how did I get my ilvl high enough in Legion for the 10% stat boost in pvp? I remember needing to raise it quite a bit and it took me forever solo to do it, but it was possible.

I can’t for the life of me remember how you geared up solo though. I played Legion in its last 4 months before it ended.

Which are fine for some, but not for everyone.

Normal raid level gear is likely fine, but why can’t it be heroic equivalent for certain content, like a set for torghast that caps at normal raid outside of Torghast but goes up to low mythic, maybe based on how many pieces you have equipped, as long as one is in Torghast? As currently some might feel the “rewards from solo content” are more “rewards for doing content solo, but you have little chance of getting them without the rewards from group content”.

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I would have loved torghast if it gave gear and cute rewards - not ugly mog shoulder pieces.


Not everyone is interested in collecting mounts.

I’d disagree. Loots been strangled harder than it has in years since the changes prior to the start of Shadowlands.


Nothing is wrong with the solo gameplay of the game.

Just because blizzard doesn’t reward solo gameplay the same as they do organized group gameplay doesn’t mean blizzard is “at war” with solo gameplay. lol

sips :wine_glass:

I see Bloodypaws and our old buddy snooze are at it again doesn’t this guy ever give up I mean Bloodypaws has been owning snooze everytime.


Not even getting close to that ilvl with the first round of months of grinding every day. Then to get to the upgrades in that sad excuse of an expansion called DF, you will need to grind even more, and get a currency that is capped. Even then, you are relegated to what amounts to scrap ilvl gear!

So yeah, players that do not want to group any further than LFR are screwed over yet again, but in a far bigger way than in SL.


Warforging probably

Well when you choose to handicap the content you do then that’s your choice.

Absolutely not. If you want mythic level gear go play mythic.

People who play multiple faucets of the game are who the game is designed for via Preachs interview.

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Absolutely one of the best posts I’ve read in years here. OP thank you. I think you need to post this where the devs will actually see it though.
I have never boosted, and never will. I’ll never step away from the game. I enjoy it too much as a solo/casual player.
You know what I find funny though? The elites piss and moan on this forum that solo and casual players shouldn’t have high end gear. Why do they sell their BOE high level duplicate drops from mythic, and raids on the auction house around 500,000 to 800,000 a pop?
The ones who whine the most have always been hypocrites on this forum.


sips :wine_glass:

Give up snooze Bloodypaws has been owning your butt since that thread you made.

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I didn’t say they were.

It’s been strangled for everyone. Doesn’t change the fact that solo players have gotten more content than anyone.

Bloody has never owned me. Dude takes Ls on the normal.

Allow casual/lone wolfs to solo que for everything. End the 15 year long war.

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False. We actually say if you want it then go do the content that rewards it.

Don’t sit there and ask for it in a mailbox for logging in

You can’t supplement gear drops for mounts.

Doesn’t have the same reward effect, which is why players are walking out the door. Blizzard has stripped the immediate rewards back too much.