End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

False. Again.

EQ’s dropping expansion #30 next month.

I don’t want to hear your nonsense, because I’ll still be here long after you’ve written the game off as dead and I’m the one who has to deal with your damned leftovers. If you don’t intend to spend the rest of your life in this game, you’re a tourist - and that’s exactly how much gravity I will grant your musings.


Oh wow, you got really pissy really quickly. Lol.

I’m not wrong, every game will die, it’s not a debate… you have yourself a day. Get those anger issues checked.


I’m putting you on ignore because I do not like you either. :slight_smile:

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Bye bye, thank you for proving my point!


See why I had them on ignore already they are annoying and just want to argue.



It’s because they think they’re right about things that have no precedent. EverQuest 1 is the trailblazer that shows us how long MMOs can live. WoW has been wildly more popular than EQ, and everyone always knew that however long EQ endured, WoW would pull off a much longer run.

EQ is releasing their 30th expansion next month and they’re showing no signs of slowing down. In all likelihood, I will die of old age before the EQ servers shut down.

If that’s the case, my kids won’t live to see the end of WoW.


And I’m not trying to hear all that. I’m about to go to bed so I’m chillin’.


Really I know Everquest from my PS2 games but going on 30th is amazing.


That’s because you’re delusional. There is no war on solo gameplay.

It’s from the same source people who insist it isn’t use while simultaneously proclaiming that the majority of players are raiders and key pushers.

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sets up a wine bar for those not on my ignore list

sips my :wine_glass:

Those people are just as dense. Until we all know… everything is just a claim.

You’re a cringe old man. Lol.

I agree, but considering that Blizzard has stopped publishing subscription numbers along with the fact that they pulled a complete 180 on Shadowlands’ systems with a “committed effort to listening to the playerbase” after trying to buckle down on their design choices, I would say there’s more merit in the claim that the game is shrinking rather than growing.

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In beta most of the solo activities in DF is centered around crafting and gathering mats. So if you like professions you are going to like DF for the most part.

But beyond that DF is really about instanced content ala WoD.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I mean that’s definitely a possibility, can’t argue against it. Hopefully DF is a big turn-around, because from the beta alone… I personally think it has potential. Love the trees and changes… just gotta wait for the game itself to come out, I don’t wanna spoil it for myself doing the dungeons and raids.

You are the one making the outrageous claim based only on an attempt to rewrite game history. You do not hold the high ground here.

No one has spoken of “best rewards” in this context but you. It’s not about wanting the best rewards at all. It’s about having content to do that gives players something to do that feels worth doing.

No. The most successful MMO’s are the ones that cater to a broad audience. There aren’t enough hardcore players in existence to keep wow profitable, and you can’t convert players who don’t want to spend all their time doing forced group content into players who do.

The game has always had things for solo players to do that felt worth subscribing over. There is less now, and much has been gutted to satisfy the forced groupers.


I ask this because I honestly disagree.

For most of vanilla through Cata there wasn’t anything for solo players to do aside from the daily hubs as the game was raid or die.

Now there is much more for solo players to do than there was ever back then so I’m not sure how your statement would even be close to accurate?

WoW added so much stuff in SL for solo players to do but solo players refused too.

First off, what is the measure of success? Money made? Population? Because we both know you don’t have anything to prove anything about the community.

Also, I never once said I’m against solo content, I just said they shouldn’t be catering to the solo only community. There is content there for them to do, if they don’t wanna do it… oh well, why should i feel bad for them? They don’t bring anything to the game in reality, they’re essentially NPCs.

Stagnated during Wrath, not grew. Players also left in large numbers during MOP, in fact it lost more subs than Cata. Not surprising you keep leaving MOP out because it is your go to argument for a great solo player expansion but the sub losses don’t support your conclusion that most of the games sub losses have been solo players during expansions that supposedly cater to the hardcore group.

Oh and that solo player “vast majority” that supposedly exists? Blizzard actually responded to that in a recent interview with Preach when he flat out asked them who is the majority, or what does the average player do. What did Blizzard say? There is no vast majority and the average player does a little bit of everything. They specifically stated this is what makes designing WoW so difficult because there are so many different play styles in 1 game and no overarching super majority to lean on.


I’m curious if you can provide examples on how these expansions did that. You elude to the pre-Cata period as though it was a time where solo players had a breadth of content to engage with but I’m playing Classic Wrath right now, and I can say with a pretty high level of certainty that if you aren’t raiding or PVPing, you aren’t doing anything at endgame.

Looking back on Cata as a wholistic expansion it was MORE solo friendly. It was the first expansion to launch with the dungeon finder from day 1, it introduced the transmog system, something that solo players to this day can spend hundreds of hours engaging with attempting to assemble their ideal sets, and in 4.3 introduced LFR, a system that was designed to cater directly to people who never engaged in raid content prior. Cata’s gameplay loop, outside of that however, was largely unchanged from Wrath.

I did not actively play WoD, so I can’t speak about the content introduced, but Shadowlands has the MOST solo content of any expansion ever introduced. There are 4 covenants that all have their own sanctums to upgrade, and minigames to participate in, Torghast has Jailers Gauntlet and Tower Ranger that a solo player can shoot for, the legion Mage tower returned with both transmog rewards and a mount reward for completing all the different kinds of challenges, LFR is still in the game on top of the fact that you can pug any content via the Group Finder, and you can farm up to 40 mounts in the protoform synthesis in ZM.

So I’m not really sure where you’ve gotten this idea that the game has moved away from solo-players, when as far as I can see, Blizzard has only ever ADDED content for them.

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I think the catch is it has added more for solo players, but it is either un interesting, locked behind chores or they feel like they can’t do it under the current set up, just using your examples:

Covenant minigames:
Kyrian=vehicular combat
Venthyr=a 1 time a week event
Necrolords=an NPC companion that can aid you out in the world and provides weekly quests depending on the ones you make
Night Fae=a fire and forget for the most part

Torghast had potential, but it does not provide gear and for the upper layers one might need such, yet how can they get it in solo content when the level that is recommended is heroic raid at the lowest? Oh, and any that say that Torghast does not need gear above what is available solo, alright, the ilvl may not be needed but what about a set with bonuses that are active only in Torghast?

Mage tower remix was overtuned at first for some classes and undertuned for others, but even after that was taken care of, there was a feeling of having to do older content to get the right gear to tackle it.

Maybe the issue some are having is not the quantity of solo content but the quality of it, in this case the past expansions might have had LESS content but it was at least the quality of a decent meal at a casual dining location, where SL did have MORE solo content, but the quality is more long the lines of fast food during a meal rush.

At best, SL has the most solo content yet, but it is uninteresting, at worst it has the most content players can do solo but in order to do such for a decent chunk of players, it takes gear from group content to do.

Just as possible changes to SL content:
Kyrian minigame: instead of vehicular combat with soulbinds, an option to take the trial your self or serve as a second to your soulbind
Night Fae: maybe a bit more involved like the farm and garrison were
Necrolords: possibly scenarios where you are fighting along side your construct in a move against the other houses or the big bad (last boss) of the patch
Venthyr: only thing I can come up with is allowing the court more often

Torghast would need at least torghast specific gear, ither with bonuses for it alone or a PvP like set up where as long as you were within Torghast the gear was higher ilvl.

Above all though, Blizzard needs to STOP tying progression to one path, like Torghast for legos, just so they can get the figures they need to warrant having it in the game.