End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Then maybe what needs to happen for dungeon/raid quests is they are treated like scenarios for solo players.

I already put in 2 options that would make the set up not needed, I.E. auto loot quest items if you have credit for the kill and/or having the quest items mailed to you if you have the credit.

You have provided NO real solutions, your attitude is players have the right to block other players from STORY content by doing things like kicking them from the group.

Sure, my solution might not be used by many, but if people were actually DECENT to each other, it would not even be needed. Get that through your thick skull


It’s always people that want to force everyone to group with them that act like this. Gee I wonder why no one wants to group with you.


uh im not the one pushing for more solo-based rewards.

I quite enjoy my mythic guild. I quite enjoy my m+ group. Group-based challenges are the only things keeping me here, and luckily, far away from the hyper-casuals who only seek to complain.

Whatever low bar, won’t be low enough for someone else.

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Anyone against solo content being capable of rewarding top tier gear in the game simply wants to gatekeep top tier gear for themselves in a corrupt elitist “you don’t play how we decide and you don’t get gear” dynamic.

Time to bring in new solo routes to the game. The time has come. The way these games are played has changed so much that it is essential at this point.


I’m just going to say it… I want Solo Raid encounters… Give me the main story Heroes as NPC buddies and lets roll. People have way worse manners than NPCs.


The difference between then and now is that leveling back then was actually a complete experience, and leveling is now a fraction of the experience. Leveling was a means to play the game and have fun in Classic. Leveling now is a means to get to the endgame. Leveling was a solo player’s progression, but now leveling is more or less a hurdle that you have to slog through just to get to the “good parts” of the game.

Not really the same thing.

Except the back of the original box proves otherwise.

And there are MMOs that exist for solo players, too. In fact, just about every other MMO that isn’t WoW supports solo play quite extensively, none of which interferes with group play.

So what’s your point?


No you are pushing for people to be forced to group with you.

Then you shouldn’t be bothered by solo options because it doesn’t impact you.


No you are pushing for people to be forced to group with you.

I don’t think “mandatory” grouping is bad for an mmo.

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I don’t think options are bad for an MMO. It hasn’t been yet.


Welp, me to. But if you are happy with LFR gear as a reward for grinding for 2-3 months without stepping into grouped content cool, then DF will be fine for you.

Me on the other hand, want nothing to do with their nerfed gear rewards for choosing not the group with the toxics that even plague this forum, and this thread.

The only thing I want from gear is to be able to do the content I typically do. Which is dungeons up to M0, LFR and open world. I don’t care about having the same rewards as someone well above my station.

Aside from FFXIV, none of them are “alive.”

It wasn’t bad years ago when people simply grouped up and played together and that was that. Now, especially since you can kick people, groups are only made to play one way and you have to have the exact gear that is dictated by this gate keeping mafia.

It has nothing to do with why grouping was introduced in the first place. It’s a complete corruption of that. And it needs to be dealt with by incorporating solo routes to obtaining top tier gear in the game.


MMOs in general are not popular right now because of the time commitment. FPS, mobas, etc. are popular.


I held people hostage in Cataclysm, and that was years ago.


OSRS and ESO both get regular content updates. Do you honestly think ESO would be getting supported if it was dead?


ESO/ OSRS are both ghost towns comparatively.

So basically people who don’t do content want better rewards for not doing content, so they can keep not doing content.

Yes these retail dynamics really started happening with Wrath and got worse from there. It’s way past time this is dealt with and solo content is added as an equally viable route.

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