End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

And you know this… how?


People don’t want “viability” they want free loot.
Imagine same difficulty as mage tower rewarding gear. People will still complain en masse heh.

and all I was asking for was a 1 time, NPC group that would enable people to get story/class/covenant/etc. quests done, no rewards aside from what is needed for those.

As an example, the kyrian campaign takes a running of Spires to complete, once they get the quest for it, they could talk to the quest giver for an option of “I’ll lead a group of our finest warriors to deal with this threat”.

The venthyr have quests that take players to halls, but such is not required to finish the campaign or main story, same with Night Fae.

Why can’t ones that are kyrian have the option to do the dungeon with NPCs for no loot in order to progress their line and the venthyr/night fae can ignore their quests indefinitely?

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Compared to WOTLK, there are no quests that demand a 3+ group, let alone a 5+ like Coli of Blood. You can literally face pull 5 mobs as a healer and be fine.

This is the entire point you hyper-casuals/soloers don’t understand; making the game easy to the point of being SOLOABLE makes the world boring, soulless, and feel like a slog.

Im happy you could solo WOTLK content with the absurdly overpowered DK (a meme at this point), but most of us were still relying on groups for much of the harder quests. This created communities, which in turn, created a better world.

This has already been addressed above, as well as your clear confusion as to what exactly was advertised on the Vanilla box. Ranting it 12 times doesn’t make you sound intelligent.

My point is, go play those then, and stop pushing for the same garbage that has been gutting this game since Cata.

I would disagree… one of Wow’s greatest strengths is/was(can argue this too) how flexible the game play is. I wouldn’t make grouping a mandatory thing. They can easily make both sides of the game and keep cashing in. I’ve never understood their obsession with making old content unplayable or highly undesirable in attempts to push players to the latest content (to fan developer ego)… as long as they are paying subscriptions, it shouldn’t matter to the cash machine.


Because it sucked to gear people up just so people can join you when someone quit.

It’s not free…they pay $15 USD a month for the loot.


$15 entitles access to the game, not that everything can be soloed by them personally.

You mean it entitles access to part of the game depending on who you are and what your social skills will allow you to tolerate… That’s what that boils down to.

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It’s an online game, not a single player one. Needing to play with others shouldn’t be a terrifying concept. People get more out of wow, when they invest more time into it.

What makes you think online means cooperative? It doesn’t it’s not even implied…


Why have something online if you don’t need to interact with people at all? It’s just DRM at that point. Genshin impact lul.

I know, having a robust economy driven by a lot of players is a great aspect of the game. You seem to be implying that a shared online experience must mean we must party up together in order to gain decent power. Where do you get that from?


I play 6 to 8 hours a day…Does that means I get the epics? Time investment does not impact your ability to get loot at all…your social skills are the key to top end loot.

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Once again interact does not mean cooperative. Killing someone in open world is interactive…and fun actually.


Good luck killing people in PVE.

It was an analogy… Goodness sakes.


You didn’t have to do these in WotLK.

I mean I leveled other classes, too. I used DK as an example because it was considered “advanced.” WotLK was baby mode. Literally people are soloing WotLK as we speak and you act like you can’t solo it still?

I genuinely do not care. You said you couldn’t do even regular fetch quests by yourself in Classic. I’m telling you this isn’t true, and Blizzard’s advertisement of solo play proves this.

Acting like a contrarian doesn’t make you look intelligent either.



My favorite is how casuals demanded epics during WoW, BC and WotLK - or they would leave.

They got their epics, and still left.

Pretty sure Blizzard stopped listening to what the “I Have Kids!” crowd is asking for.

BTW, I have kids. And WoW is what it is, period. When it gets tiresome, I stop playing (I skipped Legion and Shadowlands).

There isn’t anything that says who left the game. Just a lot of people did. Of the people I know that left the game did so because of real life stuff. And nothing to do with WoW.